Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Seward

No. 128 bis.]

Sir: I transmit herewith a copy and translation of a note which I have received from the minister for foreign affairs of this government, reporting the capture by revolutionists of the two forts on the transit route, and a copy of my answer thereto.

I am happy to say, however, that the report has turned out to be entirely false, and that the forts referred to have not been assaulted or disturbed, or the transit steamers interfered with, either by revolutionists or other hostile parties.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

[Page 688]

Señor Silva to Mr. Dickinson

Mr. Minister: According to the report received to-day from the alcalde of Pueblo Grande of Ometepe, Castillo Viejo and Fort San Carlos have been assaulted and taken by the enemies of the peace of Nicaragua; and as it is certain that for this operation the revolutionists have made use of some of the Transit Company’s steamers, his excellency the President has ordered me to communicate this news to your excellency, and such as shall be hereafter received, as I have the honor of doing, availing myself or the honor to assure your excellency of the sentiments of esteem and respect with which I sign myself your excellency’s very attentive and obedient servant,


Hon. A. B. Dickinson, Minister Resident, &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Dickinson to Señor Silva

Sir: I received to-day your excellency’s note of the 13th instant informing me that Castillo Viejo and Fort San Carlos had been assaulted and taken by revolutionists, and that some of the Transit Company’s steamers had been made use of by the revolutionary party to effect this result.

It is so clearly against the interests of the Transit Company to aid the enemies of the peace of Nicaragua that I cannot believe that the company or any of their agents have been in the least accessory or instrumental in bringing about this result, and I therefore do not believe it possible that any of their steamers have been voluntarily used to assist the revolutionists to the command of two of the most important positions on their route, thereby giving the revolutionists the complete control of the transit.

It is so easy to capture the boats while under the guns of either of these forts that it is quite possible that some of them may have been forcibly taken and used after one of the forts had been captured.

I shall await further news of this deplorable event with much anxiety, as I am satisfied that it will endanger the interests of the Transit Company even more than it is likely to jeopard the peace of Nicaragua; for while the transit will be interrupted and disarranged, to its very serious detriment, the government, with its present excellent military status, will undoubtedly be able to keep the peace within the remaining portions of the republic, and to retake the forts in due course of time.

Meantime, rest assured that I shall spare no exertions on my part to aid the government in its just endeavors to preserve its authority, even to the calling, if necessary, for the support of my government to keep the transit from being broken up by lawless violence.

I have the honor to be, with sentiments of the highest esteem and respect, your excellency’s very obedient servant,


His Excellency Antonio Silva, Minister General, &c., &c., &c.