Mr. Seward to Mr. Romero
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your “note of the 4th instant.
It gives me pleasure to recognize Mr. Ignacio Mariscal as charge d’affaires of the republic of Mexico during your absence from this capital. While that absence will be for me an occasion of personal regret, no effort will be spared on my part [Page 684] to contribute to Mr. Mariscal’s success in transacting such business as he may-have with the United States.
I am permitted by the President to express to you my grateful acknowledgments for the very kind assurances of esteem and friendship contained in your letter. I need not say that I am gratified in placing those expressions upon the archives of this government.
My sentiments of respect and of esteem for yourself, Mr. Romero, as well as my good wishes for the success of republican institutions of Mexico, have already been written and promulgated in so full a manner that nothing more remains for me to say on this occasion than that I wish you a pleasant sojourn in your native country, and a safe and speedy return to resume the duties of the post you have so honorably filled in the United States.
I am, sir, with distinguished consideration, your obedient servant,
Señor Don Matias Romero, &c., &c., &c.