
Mr. Seward to Mr. Campbell

The capture of the Prince Maximilian at Queretaro, by the republican armies of Mexico, seems probable. The reported severity practiced upon the prisoners taken at Zacatecas excites apprehensions that similar severity may be practiced in the case of the prince and his alien troops. Such severities would be injurious to the national cause of Mexico, and to the republican system throughout the world.

You will communicate to President Juarez, promptly and by effectual means, the desire of this government, that in case of his capture the prince and his supporters may receive the humane treatment accorded by civilized nations to prisoners of war.

The expense of making the communication to President Juarez will be defrayed by this department.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Lewis D. Campbell, Esq., &c., &c., &c., St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans.