Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 23.]
Department of State,
March 27, 1867.
Sir: I have received your despatches Nos. 20
and 21, of the 18th and 20th instant, together with a memorial addressed
to the United States government from certain authorities and generals of
the district of Tampico, transmitted to you by Mr. Chase, the consul
general at that city. The views of this government on the subject of the
memorial have been explained to Mr. Chase in a communication, a copy of
which is sent you herewith for your information. As regards the request
of Mr. Chase to have a United States war vessel stationed at Tampico, it
has been submitted to the Secretary of the Navy.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Lewis D. Campbell, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
[Page 387]
Mr. Seward to Mr. Chase
Department of State,
March 26, 1867.
Sir: I have received through the hands of
the United Slates minister to Mexico, now at New Orleans, a
communication which you addressed to him on the 11th of February
last, together with a memorial addressed to the United States
government from certain authorities aud generals of the district of
Tampico de Tamaulipas. In that paper the memorialists ask this
government to loan them $5,000,000, and to place two armed steamers
in Mexican ports for communication with New Orleans and New
II. The United States are solicited to render these aids as an act of
intervention in support of the President, and against the armed
insurgents of that republic.
This government has, throughout the whole of the recent distractions
in Mexico, declined to hold intercourse with any party in that
country other than the constituted national authorities, and with
them only in the regular forms of international correspondence.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Franklin Chase, Esq., United States Consul General, Tampico, Mexico.