Mr. Campbell to Mr. Seward

No. 15.]

Sir: I have this morning received an extra-official letter from Señor Lerdo de Tejada, dated at Santa Catalina, December 24th, 1866, a copy of which (translated) I have the honor to enclose, marked No. 1. The material fact communicated is that President Juarez contemplated only a short delay at Durango, and a departure thence to some city more in the interior of the republic, which is not-named.

I have the honor to remain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Señor Lerdo de Tejada to Mr. Campbell

Sir: On the way from the city of Chihuahua to that of Durango, where the president of the republic will arrive day after to-morrow, I yesterday received the communication which you addressed me from Brownsville, Texas, the 9th of this month, with copy included of that which you addressed me at Tampico the 5th, the original of which I received at the same time.

With the extra-official character which you have addressed to me these two communications, I have the honor to reply to them.

After referring in them to your voyage to the port of Vera Cruz with Lieutenant General Sherman, and to your subsequent voyage to Tampico and Brownsville, you advised me that Lieutenant General Sherman was going to New Orleans, and that you yourself were going to Monterey, desiring soon as possible to present your credentials as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America near the government of the republic of Mexico. With this motive you refer to the convenience and importance of beings [Page 350] able, so soon as possible, to commence your official relations, and you express to me your desire to know the place where you can present your credentials.

I have given information of your communications to the President, who appreciates as is due your arrival as representative of the United States of America, and desires much that you may be able very soon to present yourself in your official character.

Although it is to be presumed that the President will not long delay his departure to some city more in the interior of the republic, nevertheless he considers that for the present it will be necessary for him to remain a short time in the city of Durango to attend to the administrative reorganization of various states, as well as to give directions to the contributions they are making to push on military operations in the war in which the republic is engaged.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


His Excellency Lewis D. Campbell, &c., &c., &c.