Mr. Plumb to Mr. Seward
Sir: Although the same information may reach you directly, I deem it not improper to transcribe to you the following extract from a letter, under date of 5th instant, which I have received to-day from Mr. Marshall, our consul at Matamoros, viz:
I am in possession of official intelligence that San Luis Guadalajara and Aguas Calientes are in possession of the national forces of Mexico.
General Escobedo is now at Monterey, but will proceed to San Luis on the 8th instant. Colonel Canales, with 280 men, is at Victoria. Cortinas is in hot pursuit of him.
General Berriozabal will soon leave Matamoros for the interior, in command of his old brigade. President Don Benito Juarez is at Durango. Indications are favorable to the liberals, and confidence is fast being restored on the Rio Grande, notwithstanding daily reports to the contrary circulated by sympathizing friends of the imperialists. Apropos, the proper papers being received from Tampico, A. A. McGaffey’s twenty thousand dollars in specie were promptly restored to him.
[Page 345]I have also received to-day from Brevet Brigadier General Brown, commanding sub-district of the Rio Grande, at Brownsville, a letter under same date, in which he says:
The condition of Mexican affairs on the frontier is such as to give us fair promises of peace, and a consequent improvement in trade.
Trusting this information may not be without interest at the present time, I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.