Mr. Seward to Mr. Kilpatrick
Sir: I have received your despatch No. 38, of the 2d ultimo, in which you give an interesting account of the efforts made by the representatives of France and England at Chili, by direction of their respective governments, to bring about peace between Spain and the countries with which it is at war on this continent, and of the reasons which have prevented their success. You also make some suggestions for an offer of good offices of the United States, which if adopted would, in your opinion, insure its acceptance by the belligerent powers.
You will have received, before this reaches you, my despatch* of the 20th of last December, No. 30, which anticipates your suggestions. We intend to do nothing further in the matter until proper replies reach us to the propositions contained in that despatch.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Judson Kilpatrick, &c., &c., &c.
- For despatch referred to see instruction to United States minister to Peru, No. 36.↩