Senhor Azambuja to Mr. Seward
Imperial Legation of Brazil,
New York,
January 22, 1867.
With the intuitive purpose of promoting the aggrandizement of the empire
by facilitating every day more and more its international relations, his
Majesty the Emperor, my august sovereign, by decree, copy whereof is
enclosed, has deemed proper to open at and from the 7th day of September
next to merchant vessels of all nations the navigation of the river
Amazon to the frontier of Brazil; of the river Tocantins to Cameta; of
the Tapajos to Santarem; of the Madeira to Borba; and of the Rio Negro
to Manáos.
The same date will also determine the navigation of the river San
Francisco to be opened to the city of Penedo.
The navigation of the affluents of the Amazon in that portion wherein
only one of the shores belongs to Brazil remains dependent on a previous
agreement with other river states, about respective limits and political
and riparian regulations.
I have the satisfaction of addressing this important and gratifying
communication to Mr. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United
States, and avail myself of the occasion to reiterate to him the
expression of my high consideration.
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.
Opening of the Amazon and San Francisco.
The decree of December 7th is as follows:
“With the intent of promoting the aggrandizement of the empire by
facilitating more and more its international relations, and by
animating the navigation and the commerce of the river Amazon and
its tributaries, of the Tocantins, and of the San Francisco, I am
pleased, after hearing my council of state, to decree the
“Article 1. The navigation of the Amazon to the frontier of Brazil,
of the Tocantins as far as Cameta, of the Tapajos to Santarem, of
the Medeira to Borba, and of the Rio Negro to Manaos, will be open
to merchant ships of all nations from the 7th of September,
“Article 2. The navigation of the San Francisco to the city of Penedo
will be likewise open on the said date fixed in article 1.
“Article 3. The navigation of the affluents of the Amazon, in the
part in which only one of the banks belongs to Brazil, is depending
on a previous agreement with the other river states as to the
respective limits and police and fiscal regulations.
[Page 257]
“Article 4. The present dispositions in no way alter the observance
of what the treaties of navigation and commerce existing with the
republics of Peru and Venezuela may prescribe, according to the
regulations already in force for this end.
“Article 5. My ministers and secretaries of state will promote the
agreements necessary for the effective execution of this decree.
“Antonio Coelho de Sá e Albuquerque, of my council, senator of the
empire, minister and secretary of state for foreign affairs, so have
it understood, and cause it to be put in execution.
“Palace of Rio de Janeiro,
“December 7, 1866, (46th of independence and
the empire.” )
With the seal of his Majesty the Emperor.