Mr. Seward to Mr. Asboth
Sir: Your despatch of the 9th of August, No. 37, has been received. It tenders your congratulations and those of the citizens of the United States residing in Buenos Ayres upon the acquisition of Russian America. I now have the pleasure of informing you that commissioners have proceeded from St. Petersburg and from Washington to Sitka, and that we are hourly expecting to hear of the formal transfer of that territory by the Emperor of Russia to the United States. Energetic commercial movements already made on the Pacific coast indicate a high appreciation of this acquisition.
Your letter has been submitted to the President for his special perusal, and he not only permits but enjoins me to thank you for the kind assurances of personal esteem and consideration which it contains.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Alexander Asboth, Esq., &c., &c., &c.