Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Seward.
Sir: Your despatch, No. 13, of August 27th, has been received. The subject of the relation of naturalized Prussians to the government of Prussia had, under your instructions, already engaged my attention, and I have lost no time in opening a conversation on the subject with the department of foreign, affairs, and my representations have been received in the most friendly spirit. An interview will soon be had with a member of the government, with whom the matter is to be thoroughly discussed before its final presentation in writing for a decision. I thank you very much for the confidence which you and the President repose in me in the management of this troublesome question. The offer of adjustment formerly made by Count Bismarck however liberal it may have been justly considered at the time it was proposed, is not so tranquilizing as the agreement to which I hope to arrive. I shall carefully govern myself in the negotiation by the substance of your instructions, and hope soon to be able to report to you favorable progress. For the present your instructions are sufficient for my guidance.
I remain, sir, yours, sincerely,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.