Mr. Seward to Mr. Ruggles
Sir: I transmit a translation of a note of the 27th instant, addressed to me by the minister of France, under instructions from his government, in regard to an international conference proposed to be held at Paris on the 17th of June next to consider the general question of the uniformity of coinage.
You are hereby empowered to attend that conference on behalf of the United States, and to represent your government to the extent and in the spirit indicated in the enclosed.
You are requested to transmit to this department a detailed report of the deliberations and conclusions of the conference, with such observations as may seem to you to be useful.
General Dix has been apprised by the same mail which bears this communication to you of the circumstances under which you are empowered to represent [Page 300] the United States on this occasion, and Be has been requested to confer and cooperate with you to such extent as may be convenient.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Samuel B. Ruggles, Esq., &c., &c., &c.