Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams
Sir; Your despatch of the 19th of October, No. 1466, has been received. I learn with satisfaction that her Majesty’s government has so far changed its position in regard to citizens of the United States arbitrarily arrested, under a suspension of the habeas corpus, in Ireland, as to concede them a prompt and, as I hope the result may prove, a fair trial.
Under these circumstances the execution of my instructions, 2068 and 2069, may properly be suspended.
Your decision to authorize the employment of only one person to act as counsel in the cases of Colonels Nagle and Warren, leaving the selection, however, to be determined by friendly consultation with the accused, is satisfactory. Your further decision to refer to this department applications for the employment of counsel in other cases is judicious, especially so since you have authorized the counsel to employ some one to watch the cases and report in the event of any injustice being done. This last mentioned proceeding is approved.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.