Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams

No. 2058.]

Sir: I transmit a copy of a letter of yesterday, addressed to this department by Henry Liebenau, esq., of New York, and of the affidavit of the parents of Colonel W. J. Nagle, in which they swear that he was born in Niagara county, in the State of New York. Mr. D. M. Nagle, the father of the colonel, has also addressed a letter to the department, stating that his four sons, of whom the colonel was one, all joined the Union army during the late civil war, and fought with gallantry in many battles. Two of the sons were killed or died in the service. These facts will be an incentive, if any were needed, for all proper exertions on your part for the purpose of obtaining the release of Colonel Nagle.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Frangis Adams, Esq, &c., &c., &c.

Mr Liebenau to Mr. Seward

Honored Sir: I enclose with this the affidavit of Mr. and Mrs. Nagle, the parents of Colonel William J. Nagle, showing him to be a native of this State, and hope by the next mail to be able to place in your hands the naturalization papers of Colonel Warren; he was naturalized, as I now learn, in Boston, whither I have sent for the properly authenticated papers.

I greatly regret that, from an error in representation, I should have created a discrepancy in regard to the nativity of Colonel Warren, and I can assure you, like myself, the organization I represent will continue as earnest in their efforts to release our adopted citizens as they have been for the liberation of our native citizens, when unjustly arrested and held by any of the despotic governments of Europe.

Thanking you heartily and sincerely for the prompt attention and earnest action given to this matter by his Excellency the President and your honorable self, please accept my sincere regards, with the assurance of a faithful report to the “Constitutional Union Association” at their next meeting of the alacrity with which their communications have been responded to by the President and yourself.

With the highest respect, permit me to subscribe myself your very obedient and humble Servant,

HENRY LIEBENAU, Corresponding Secretary Constitutional Union Association.

Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, U. S. A.

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City and county of New York, ss:

David M. Nagle and his wife, Maria D. Nagle, of the city of Brooklyn, county of Kings, State of New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that their son, Colonel William J. Nagle, now a prisoner in Kilmainham jail, Dublin, Ireland, under the assumption of being connected with the Fenian organization, was born in Niagara county, State of New York.


[seal.] JACOB E. HOWARD, Notary Public.


I, William C. Conner, clerk of the city and county of New York, and also clerk of the supreme court for the said city and county, being a court of record, do hereby certify that Jacob E. Howard, before whom the annexed deposition was taken, was, at the time of taking the same, a notary public of New York, dwelling in said city and county, duly appointed and sworn, and authorized to administer oaths to be used in any court in said State, and for general purposes; and that his signature thereto is genuine, as I verily believe.



Her Britannic Majesty’s Consulate, New York:

I, Edward Mortimer Archibald, esquire, companion of the most honorable order of the Bath, her Britannic Majesty’s consul, do hereby certify that Jacob E. Howard, esquire, whose true signature and seal are respectively subscribed and affixed to the certificate hereunto annexed, was, on the day of the date thereof, a notary public in and for the State of New York, duly commissioned and sworn, to whose official acts faith and credit are due.

[seal.] E. M. ARCHIBALD, H. B. M. Consul.

Petition of the general committee of the Constitutional Union Association.


At a meeting of the Constitutional Union Association, held on Monday evening, July 15, 1867, to effect the release of Americans unjustly imprisoned abroad, the following resolution, among others presented by Henry Liebenau, was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That a petition be prepared and circulated under the patronage of our organization, for the signatures of our fellow citizens, in behalf of the immediate liberation of Colonel Nagle and Colonel Warren.


Henry S. Bancker,

Henry Leibenau, Secretaries.


To Andrew Johnson, President of the united States:

The undersigned, citizens of the city and county of New York and Brooklyn, respectfully represent that Colonel William J. Nagle, a native of this State, and Colonel J. Warren, a native of Massachusetts, good and loyal citizens of our republic, and gallant soldiers of the Union army during our late rebellion, are most inhumanly and unjustifiably imprisoned in Kilmainham prison, at Dublin, Ireland; that they were arrested while on a visit to their relatives, without the slightest overt act on their part to justify or palliate such cruelty and [Page 154] oppression, and in gross violation of all international laws and the comity of nations. We therefore respectfully, yet urgently, ask the immediate interposition of our government for their speedy release.

P. S.—When signed, please forward to Daniel B. Northrup, No. 140 Water street, to O. Sloan Holden, No. 645 Seventh avenue, or to Wm. W. Lyons, No. 150 Lewis street.


149 East Fifty-second street. President.


290 West Fifty-first street, Vice-President.


352 East Fourth street, Vice-President.


6 Grand street, Chief Recording Secretary.


62 Pike street, Assistant Recording Secretary.


Hamilton Place, West Fifty-first street, Corresponding Secretary.


Harlem, Treasurer.


645 Seventh avenue, Chairman Executive Committee.


150 Lewis street, Secretary Executive Committee.


230 Delancey, Sergeant-at-arms.

And 109 others.