Mr. Adams to Lord Stanley
My Lord: Since the despatch of my note to your lordship of the 11th instant, in regard to the case of Colonel Nagle, I have received from my government special instructions to urge the early release both of that gentleman and of his companion in prison, Colonel Warren. Whatever may have been the purposes of those gentlemen in coming to Ireland, on which I am not called to give any opinion, it is quite clear at least to me that they could not have committed any act of hostility to her Majesty’s government within her jurisdiction which would fairly subject them to the probability of condemnation, if tried in a court of justice. Hence it is hoped that the confinement and severe treatment to which they have already been subjected may be regarded as sufficient penalty for anything they might even be suspected to have intended to do, to entitle them to a release at an early day. I pray your lordship to accept, &c, &c, &c,
Right Hon. Lord Stanley, &c., &c., &c.