A Fenian episode.—A cargo of “hardware” shipped for Ireland, where it ultimately brought up.
The little brig which conveyed the party of twenty Fenians to Ireland, including Generals Nagle and Warren, an account of whose landing and arrest at Dungarvan, Ireland, has been published, has arrived back. It appears that she was chartered by wealthy Irishmen of this city, who are reported to have cleared her with a cargo of hardware, said hardware being two thousand muskets and considerable ammunition. Arriving off the coast of Ireland, it was found that the brig was not provided with boats, and most of the party were obliged to jump overboard in the night and swim ashore in the surf. The brig attracted attention from the coast guard, but managed to elude them. The cargo of muskets has been discharged. Two or three of the parties came back in the brig. The expedition was conducted with the utmost secrecy.