Mr. Burton to Mr.
No. 254.]
Legation of the United States,
Bogota, July 5, 1866.
Sir: Our national anniversary was celebrated
here this year with even more spirit and enthusiasm than heretofore. At
one o’clock the “Comandante General” with a full staff tendered the
felicitations of the President, with the request that I should convey
the same to the President of the United States. At the same time a
salute of twenty-one guns was fired on the principal plaza, the plaza de
Bolivar. In the evening the military in the city, with three bands of
[Page 557]
music, saluted the
flag as it was being taken in. Through the day the attendance at the
legation was more numerous than usual. The congress, after passing
complimentary resolutions, adjourned; and most of the members, the
representatives of foreign nations, members of the cabinet, the supreme
court in a body, the President of the State of Cundinamarca with his
staff and secretaries, the city government, professors, and students in
the colleges and schools, and principal citizens, paid their respects.
The usual speeches of congratulations were pronounced and answered. The
manifestations of respect and friendship for our country were highly
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Señor Acosta to Mr. Burton
The undersigned, president of the senate of plenipotentiaries, has
the honor to address the Hon. Allan A. Burton, minister resident of
the United States of America, for the purpose of transmitting to him
the following resolution this day adopted unanimously:
“The senate of plenipotentiaries records with satisfaction the
memorable 4th of July, the anniversary of the independence of the
United States of America, and takes pleasure in remembering that
that gigantic people reckon among the most illustrious names of its
most distinguished citizens the immortal names of Washington and
Lincoln, who were the friends of humanity and enemies of tyranny.
Let this be communicated to the citizen great general President of
the Union, and to the Hon. Mr. Allan A. Burton, the representative
in Colombia of that great nation.”
The undersigned improves this opportunity to subscribe himself his
excellency Mr. Burton’s very attentive servant,
Mr. Allan A. Burton, Minister Resident of the United States of America,
&c., &
c., & c.
Mr. Burton to Señor Acosta
Legation of the United States of
America, Bogota,
July 5,
The undersigned, minister resident of the United States of America,
has had the honor to receive the attentive note which the Hon.
General Santos Acosta, president of the senate of plenipotentiaries
of the United States of Colombia, was so obliging as to address him
on yesterday, communicating a resolution of that august body of the
same date, commemorative of the anniversary of the independence of
the American Union, and of the names of Washington and Lincoln, the
one its father and the other its saviour.
This spontaneous and eloquent manifestation of friendly regard and
sympathy has inspired in the undersigned emotions of profound
gratitude that will be received by the government and people of his
country, to whom he will not delay to make it known, with peculiar
sensibility and fraternal appreciation, and on whose part he prays
to offer in advance to the honorable senate, and to its members
individually, the most sincere thanks.
The undersigned seizes this auspicious occasion to assure his honor
the president of the senate of plenipotentiaries of the Colombian
Union of his most distinguished consideration and esteem.
Hon General Santos Acosta, President of the Senate of
Plenipotentiaries, &c.,
& c., &
[Page 558]
Señor Morro to Mr Burton
July 4, 1866.
The undersigned, secretary of the interior and foreign relations of
the United States of Colombia, has the honor to place within the
knowledge of the Hon. Allan A. Burton, minister resident of the
United States of America, that the senate of plenipotentiaries in
its session of to-day has unanimously approved the following
“The senate of plenipotentiaries records with satisfaction the
memorable 4th of July, the anniversary of the independence of the
United States of America, and takes pleasure in remembering that
that gigantic people reckon among the most illustrious names of its
most distinguished citizens the immortal names of Washington and
Lincoln, who were the friends of humanity and enemies of tyranny.
Let this be communicated to the citizen great general President of
the Union, and to the Hon. Mr. Allan A. Burton, the representative
in Colombia of that great nation.”
It affords the undersigned pleasure to transmit to the Hon. Mr.
Burton the foregoing resolution, and offering wishes for the
prosperity and aggrandizement of the American Union. He has at the
same time the honor to renew to the honorable minister resident of
the United States of America protestations of the distinguished
consideration and esteem with which he subscribes himself the Hon.
Mr. Burton’s very attentive obedient servant,
M. MORRO, Assistant Secretary, for the
Hon. Mr. Allan A. Burton, Minister Resident of the United States of
America, &c., & c., & c.
Mr. Burton to Señor Garrido
Legation of the United States of
America, Bogota,
July 5,
The undersigned, minister resident of the United States of America,
has received with feelings of grateful appreciation the resolution
of the honorable senate of plenipotentiaries of the United States of
Colombia, which accompanied the esteemed note of his excellency the
assistant secretary of the interior and foreign relations, of
yesterday, commemorative of the national anniversary of the American
Union and of the names of Washington and Lincoln, whose memories,
linked with those of Bolivar, Santander, and Sucre, will ever be
held in sacred veneration by the peoples of the Americas and by the
friends of humanity everywhere.
The undersigned prays his excellency to convey to the honorable
senate the assurances of the sincere gratitude and esteem with which
he accepts on the part of his countrymen this high tribute of
respect and friendship, and of their perfect reciprocation of the
sentiments which inspired it.
The undersigned would be an unfaithful interpreter were he to forego
this opportunity to give expression, likewise, to the peculiar
sensibility he has experienced from and with which the government
and people of the United States will receive the cordial
demonstrations of fraternal sympathy displayed towards them on
yesterday by the Colombian government and people of this capital,
and hastens to tender his grateful acknowledgment of the
distinguished honor done him and his country on that auspicious
The undersigned avails himself of this opportune occasion to repeat
to his excellency the assurances of his highest consideration and
His Excellency Señor José M. Rojas Garrido, Secretary of the Interior and Foreign Relations,
&c., &
c., & c.