Mr. Robinson to Mr. Burton
Sir: Your esteemed favors, Nos. 12 and 13, are before me—the former received the 11th instant, and the latter per steamship Mexican, 22d instant.
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At the same time I received your No.. 13 a communication was placed in my hands from you, for Commander G. H. Preble, of the State of Georgia, which will be delivered on his return from a few days’ cruise in the direction of Old Providence, &c.
In relation to matters noted in your latter favor, I am happy to inform you that, so far, nothing has occurred to seriously disturb the peace and quiet of the isthmus.
The affair of Carreoso seems to have been a complete abortion. His proclamation and decrees of 22d of June, from Porto Bello, were received here about 26th idem, and it was supposed we were to have a revolution at once; but time has proven such anticipation groundless, and we now hope for a time of quiet, although I see it stated in the Panama Chronicle of yesterday that a report had reached there that Santaeoloma and others had landed with hostile intentions in the department of Chiriqui; whether there is any truth in this report or not I cannot say.
Should any disturbance occur or invasion be attempted from without, I shall act as prudence and the best interests of our government may dictate, and have no doubt I shall have the hearty co-operation of Captain Preble, of the gunboat; in fact, I shall endeavor to act in concert with him. He is expected here daily.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. A. A. Burton, United States Minister, Bogota.