Mr. Culver to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that since the date of my last despatch, (No. 136,) I have had an interview with President Guzman and his minister, Mr. Seijas, touching the convention for a joint commission, and, as I intimated in that despatch, I found him inflexibly opposed to any positive provision being inserted in the convention for the payment of interest. His reasons were the same as those set forth in my despatch No. 136, and especially the third ground of objection therein contained.
I inferred from the tenor and manner of his remarks that he would allow the convention to fail rather than consent to the insertion of a positive provision in it for the payment of interest.
After this expression of his views, with the full knowledge of your suggestions as to allowance of interest, I shall deem it my duty to await your further instructions, deeming it unnecessary to report any suggestions contained in my last.
I have the honor to be, with sentiments of the highest respect, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.