Mr. Sanford to Mr. Seward.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the reception, on the 17th instant, of your despatch No. 203 and accompaniments, being letters of the President to his Majesty, of condolence on the death of the late King, of congratulation on the accession of Leopold II, and of credence of myself as minister resident, together with office copies of the same. I applied the same day for an audience of his Majesty, who was at Ostend, and it was fixed for to-day, when the letters were presented to the King in official audience at Lacken, at which the minister of foreign relations and high functionaries of the court were present, and to which I was conducted with my suite with the usual ceremonial in the carriages of the court, and reconducted in the same manner to the legation. On delivering the letter of credence to his Majesty, I said:
“Sire: In presenting the letters of the President which accredit me near to your Majesty as minister resident of the United States of America, I am specially charged to assure your Majesty of the constant desire of the President to maintain friendly relations with your Majesty’s government. The task confided to me is a grateful one. Belgium and the United States have no interests which clash; they have many in common; they have institutions equally founded upon liberty; their friendship should be of the most cordial—it will be my constant effort to make it so. In this I venture to count upon the benevolent support of your Majesty, and I congratulate myself that it is my privilege, in the fulfillment of this trust with which I am honored, to be placed near to that liberal and enlightened sovereign to whose wise rule is confided the conduct of this favored country in the peaceful path of progress and prosperity.”
[Page 71]His Majesty expressed his gratification at receiving these proofs of sympathy from the President in the letters of condolence and of congratulation, and after speaking in complimentary terms of his satisfaction that I had been continued near to him as representative of the United States, proceeded to say that he reciprocated fully the desire of the President for the maintenance of friendly relations between the two countries. Referring to my remarks with warm approbation, his Majesty said it was his earnest desire that those relations should become more intimate between the “great and powerful republic” and Belgium; that their people bad many points of sympathy in common, chief among which was a certain similarity in institutions. Among the means to that end was the cultivation of commercial intercourse. He had just come from Antwerp, he continued, on his way from Ostend, and had seen with pleasure some large merchant ships there bearing our flag, and hoped the number would increase and that American enterprise and capital would be attracted in that direction.
His Majesty reminded me of his cherished intention of visiting the United States, which the death of the King had prevented his carrying into effect, but which he was still, he said, not without hope of accomplishing.
He added that he hoped to have the pleasure of knowing personally the President, of whom he had heard much good, and whose conservative course had inspired him with high respect.
After some desultory conversation, the audience, which was throughout characterized by great cordiality on the part of the King, terminated, and I took my leave.
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.