Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Seward.

No. 2.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit copies of correspondence with the department of exterior relations for the republic of Ecuador, marked A, B, C, D, and E.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

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Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Bustamente.

Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency of my arrival at this port, and to transmit by courtesy of Don Ignatio de Vientanelle, commissioner of war for the republic of Ecuador in Guayaquil, an official copy of the letter of the President of the United States, announcing to the President of the republic of Ecuador that I have been accredited as minister resident of the United States of America near the government of Ecuador.

In virtue of the fact that on account of the absence from this republic of a minister resident, the United States consul at Guayuquil has been for some months chargé d’affaires, and consequently that the archives of the United States legation are here deposited, I shall be for a few days detained in this city, and therefore beg your excellency to advise me at your convenience, by letter in care of the consul of the united States, when it will please the President of Ecuador to grant me a personal interview, that I may present to him the letter which I bear from the chief executive officer of my government, and enjoy also the privilege of expressing on behalf of that government the earnest desire of the people and authorities of the United States to promote in every manner in their power most cordial relations to, and most friendly intercourse with, the authorities of the republic of Ecuador.

With considerations of distinguished respect I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

W. T. COGGESHALL, United States Minister Resident, Ecuador.

His Excellency Don Manuel Bustamente, Minister of Exterior Relations, &c., Quito.


Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Bustamente.

Sir: I have to inform your excellency of my arrival in this city, and to advise you that I await here an answer to my communication, forwarded from Guayaquil, enclosing a copy of the letter of the President of the United States, by which I am accredited as minister resident near the government of the republic of Ecuador.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


His Excellency M. Bustamente, Minister of Exterior Relations.



Mr. Bustamente to Mr. Coggeshall.

The undersigned, minister of exterior relations of Ecuador, has had the honor to receive the estimable official note of your excellency, dated the 10th of the present month, in which the undersigned is kindly informed of your arrival in this capital, and returns the answer to the letter directed from Guayaquil on the 2d of August last, enclosing an official copy of the letter of his Excellency the President of the United States, accrediting your excellency as minister resident in this republic. The undersigned has delayed the answer to the aforesaid official note, thinking your excellency on the road from Guayaquil to this place, but now has the honorable satisfaction to announce to your excellency that on Thursday the 20th of the present month, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, your excellency will be received in your character as minister resident, in the government palace, with the usual ceremonies.

Accept the high esteem and distinguished consideration with which the undersigned subscribes himself your obedient servant,


W. T Coggeshall, United States Minister Resident, Ecuador.

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Mr. Bustamente to Mr. Coggeshall.

Some days ago was received in this office a communication from your excellency dated in Guayaquil the 2d of August last, communicating that the supreme government of the United States had invested your excellency with the character of minister resident in this capital, and sending the official copy of the autograph letter which accredits the appointment.

The express note was not immediately answered, because it was known that your excellency had already undertaken your journey from Guayaquil to this place, and it was thought more prudent to wait until your arrival; accordingly, I have now the honor to answer it, assuring your excellency that my government congratulates itself in a high degree that the United States has chosen such an illustrious and competent person to be the representative in Ecuador. The government of this republic, sincere estimator of that of the United States, and of its people, will have once more an occasion to manifest to your excellency its tendencies to cultivate the honorable relations that happily are established with the cabinet of Washington, and will co-operate in whatever may be possible to make closer the relations of friendship and good harmony between the two nations, that of Ecuador and North America.

With the most distinguished consideration, I have much honor to subscribe myself to your excellency, your most attentive and obedient servant,


W. T. Coggeshall, United States Minister Resident, Ecuador.


Mr. Coggeshall to Mr. Bustamente.

Sir: I acknowledge with pleasure your esteemed letter of the 15th instant, in response to my communication dated Guayaquil, August 2, and beg to assure your excellency that its contents will afford gratification to my government.

Taking this occasion to renew to your excellency assurance of most distinguished consideration, your obedient servant,


His Excellency M. Bustamente, Minister of Exterior Relations.