Mr. Lidgerwood to Mr. Seward.

No. 12.]

Sir: I have the honor to communicate to you that on the 28th June ultimo Rear-Admiral S. W. Godon read to me a despatch, received by him from the Navy Department, conveying the instructions concerning the special salute to be fired in the harbor of Bahia, which intelligence relieves me of a slight embarrassment, caused by the delay in the receipt by him of the original instructions upon the subject, also received by this mail.

He also placed before me the views of the government relative to the refusal of the allies to grant permission to the American minister to Paraguay to pass through their lines when on his way to his post of duty, as being both erroneous and unfriendly, and the instructions to himself accompanying same.

After due deliberation with the admiral I proceeded at once to the foreign office, and, in the absence of the minister, had an interview with the under-secretary of state, Conselheiro do Amaral, and informed him that I had called upon two subjects, one an agreeable one—I having the pleasure to communicate to him that Admiral Godon, commanding United States squadron on the coast of Brazil, had just received the delayed instructions, via Valparaiso, concerning the special salute to be fired in the harbor of Bahia. The other subject was one [Page 308] much less agreeable, but, as appreciating the sentiments which I felt confident actuated this government in giving to me unofficial information of the unprovoked assault upon the employé of the Brazilian government by part of a boat’s crew from a United States ship of war, I had in like manner called to inform him unofficially that the expressions of Admiral God on to Señor Octaviano, at Buenos Ayres, as to his belief that the government of the United States would consider the act of the allies in refusing a pass through their lines to the minister of the United States to Paraguay, while endeavoring to proceed thither to fulfil his mission, as erroneous and unfriendly, had been thus considered by the government of the United States.

Conselheiro do Amaral expressed the opinion that nothing official bearing upon the subject had been received at the foreign office, but that he would make an examination of all documents received from November last forward, but that private letters to Conselheiro Saraiva might have been received, which referred to it.

I desired to learn if reference to Mr. Washburn had been made since the allied forces moved forward across the Parana river, as I understood that thereafter all objections to Mr. Washburn’s passing the lines would then be removed. He replied, “None that he was aware of;” and also expressed the desire to avoid the approach to any unpleasantness of feeling, remarking that diplomatic questions, often easy of satisfactory arrangement, were frequently made difficult by the improper manner in which they were presented, and in this case much depended upon how it was presented there, (meaning the river Plate.) I replied that as yet the subject could not have been presented there, and that to prevent and anticipate an official presentation I had with the kindest intentions, and with frankness, acting with the concurrence and advice of the admiral, who participates in my feelings, and to whom instructions had been sent by our government on the subject, and feeling confident that I would be met in the same spirit, I had called to see the minister, and now requested that he should be made acquainted with the position of the case, and that he should appoint an hour when he would be pleased to confer with the admiral and myself upon the subject.

He answered that he would have a reply sent to me at my residence; then, apparently remembering something, he withdrew, as he said, to examine a document which, when brought by him, was marked on the enclosing wrapper “June 8th, receipt only to be acknowledged, not answered, in cabinet.” He said it was private correspondence to the minister, Saraiva, accompanying which were copies of letters from Viscount Tamandare (commanding the Brazilian squadron) and from President Mitre to Mr. Washburn. The latter I requested to be read. The subjects of same were the reasons why it is at present (April) not advisable for Mr. Washburn to go through the lines; sympathy for the great republic, &c., &c. He said he would enclose the papers to Minister Saraiva for his examination at once, and that Conselheiro Saraiva had, unfortunately, allowed them to be overlooked upon his table. At eight in the evening I received a note from the minister appointing 11 a. m. of the ensuing day, at his residence, for an interview.

I immediately despatched a messenger to the flag-ship to the admiral to that effect. On the 29th the admiral and myself were received by the minister of foreign affairs, Conselheiro Saraiva, at the appointed time and place.

I informed him that the order for the special salute at Bahia had finally been received, the delay having been caused by its having been sent to Valparaiso through error, to which Conselheiro Saraiva replied, that as the United States had recognized the violation of their rights, as committed in the harbor of Bahia, and had agreed to the restitution of the Florida, (which by a casualty was rendered impossible,) also to the punishment of the offending commander, a fact which the Brazilian government had dispensed with, not desiring the punishment [Page 309] of individuals, therefore the government had felt it necessary to insist that the only remaining act of settlement agreed upon should be performed, in order to justify itself before the nation.

The admiral replied that he, personally, did not consider the mere burning of powder or saluting of much importance, and especially as he had fired several salutes at Bahia, still, as a matter between nations, it was different, and he had therefore written for instructions on the subject, which, though miscarried in the first instance, he had now received, and then inquired if any communication had been received from Señor Octaviano concerning the United States minister to Paraguay, Mr. Washburn, and was answered only unofficially, when the admiral stated that Señor Octaviano had desired an interview with him, which took place, and at which he, the admiral, informed him that he considered the blockade at Corrientes, being in the Argentine Confederation, one of the allied powers, as of no effect, but that if in waters conquered from Paraguay it would be a proper blockade. He, however, also added that the refusal by the allied forces to permit the American minister to Paraguay to pass their lines, although they might have the right, would still be considered by the government of the United States as an act neither friendly nor amiable, and that this conversation should have been placed before the Brazilian government by Señor Octaviano, and desired to know if he had done so. Conselheiro Saraiva replied that it had not been. The admiral, continuing, said that without entering upon the question of the rights of the allies to prevent the passage of a minister of a friendly power to his place of duty in Paraguay, still, the United States government had also the right to send their representative to a nation with whom they are on terms of friendship, and asked the Conselheiro Saraiva if that was not his opinion; he bowed assent. The admiral stated further that he had received orders from his government to send a vessel, if necessary, to convey the American minister to Paraguay to his place of destination, and that he would do so; but that, to avoid a clash of conflicting views which might arise therefrom, with all frankness and with sentiments of friendship he desired that the allies should give immediate orders that a safe conduct through their lines should be given to Mr. Washburn, and desired the minister to give an answer at once. He said it would be impossible to give an answer on that point without previously consulting his colleagues, but that it should be given before the sailing of the steamer to the river Plate on the 4th instant.

The object of our visit, to prevent any misunderstanding, was appreciated by the minister, and the earnest and straightforward remarks made by the admiral received his serious and anxious attention.

I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.