Government of the Canton of Geneva
Extract from the records of the grand council of the republic and canton of Geneva, of the 15th of May, 1865.
decree of the grand council.
The grand council, on motion of one of its members, unanimously resolved to join in the pledge of sympathy sent by the state council, in the name of the people of Geneva, to the United States minister on the occasion of the crime committed upon the person of President Lincoln, and to thank the state council for offering its medium for the sentiments of sorrow the deplorable event has excited in the bosoms of the entire population of Geneva.
Made and given in Geneva on the 15th of May, 1865, under the seal of the republic, and with the signatures of the president and secretary of the grand council.
President of the Council.
Secretary. Examined for authentication of the signatures of Mr. Edward Aubert, president of the grand council of the canton of Geneva, and of Mr. Henri Subit, secretary of the same corps.
[l. s.]
State Chancellor