Government of the Canton of Thurgau


The president and council of the canton of Thurgau to the Bundesrath, in Berne.

Gentlemen: By a circular from the Berne committee for the address of sympathy and condolence to the American Union, we are invited to join in its approval, together with the governments of Aargau, Ticino, and Soleure.

We have thought it would be better for each canton to draw up an address, through its chief authorities, and have it presented at meetings of the inhabitants for their approval, and then send it to the general government to be forwarded through the minister to the foreign government.

But if our views of the subject are not correct, we willingly indorse your address in the name of the inhabitants of Thurgau, as our people rejoice at the victories for the holy rights of man, and highly condemn the atrocious crime that attempted to destroy their effect, wishing the greatest prosperity and peace to our sister republic beyond the ocean.

Requesting you to report this declaration to the proper authorities, we remain your attentive and serving fellow-countrymen.

  • EILOFF, President.
  • RUKSTUHT, Chancellor.