Inhabitants of Brittnau
Brittnau, May 14, 1865
Meeting of the inhabitants of Brittnau in church, Sunday afternoon, May 14, 1865.
The number of qualified voters over 20 years of age, 385.
On motion of Parson Bauman, seconded by other persons present, it was unanimously resolved to approve of the Swiss national address to the people of the United States of North America.
- 1st. In view of congratulations on the happy conclusion of the four years’ war, which has produced the greatest of blessings to the country, namely, the [Page 567] institution of the rights of man, the enjoyment of personal liberty and freedom’ without regard to the accidental differences of complexion, corporeal circumstances or descent, in opposition to the execrable evil of negro slavery in the southern States; and
- 2d. In consideration of the expression of condolence for the death of that most excellent man, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
The above is a true copy of the original.
- MAT. WÄLCHLI, President.
- A. WALCHLI, Clerk.
- J. ZIMMERLIK, Vote counters.