Baron de Wetterstedt to Mr. Hunter
Dear Sir: Allow me to transmit to you, unofficially, a copy of a despatch which I have just received from Count Manderström, his Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs, giving account of the deep impression produced on the Swedish government by the news of the horrible murder of the late President, of which despatch I would have taken the liberty to make lecture to you had I been present in Washington. I enclose likewise a copy of the accompanying note from Count Manderström to your minister at Stockholm, for the possible event that you should not yet have received the same from Mr. Campbell. You will easily perceive that these letters were written down on the first incorrect information of the deed transmitted by the telegraph.
The Swedish newspapers that have reached me give ample evidence of the horror and indignation provoked in the whole country by the news of the murder. They are filled with articles speaking in the warmest terms of the event. In no country in Europe, I venture to say—and it has certainly not escaped your attention—has the sympathy for the cause of the Union been more deep and unanimous, and the eminent qualities of the late President been better appreciated than in my native land. Immediately on the receipt of the painful tidings, the flags on the public buildings in Stockholm and Gothemburg and on the vessels in the harbors of these cities were hoisted on half-mast; a public feast which was to take place at Gothemburg in honor of the fall of Richmond was inhibited, as a token of respect for the memory of the lamented victim.
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I am, sir, with high consideration, your obedient servant,
Hon. W. Hunter,
Acting Secretary of State, Washington.