Mr. Pinney to Mr. Hunter.
Sir: With deepest personal sorrow over the sad intelligence, I have the honor to acknowledge your communication of Saturday.
The assassination of President Lincoln and the attempt upon the life of the Secretary of State have made us a nation of mourners, and all loyal hearts are agonized by the dreadful tragedy.
The republic of Liberia will deeply sympathize with us, as in the sudden death of our President she suffers an irreparable loss. What we have done and proposed in her behalf will ever be gratefully remembered.
Much of that great flood of tears shed over this great sorrow will flow from the children of Africa, who looked to him especially as their deliverer.
The telegraphic news which we to-day received, as to the decided improvement of Secretary Seward and his son, greatly alleviates the prevalent sadness, and the hope is universal that they may speedily recover. With distinguished consideration, I am truly yours,
Chargé d’affaires.
Hon. W. Hunter,
Acting Secretary of State.