Municipal Council of Waterford

Resolved unanimously, That this council take the present opportunity of expressing its unfeigned sorrow and intense indignation at the foul and atrocious assassination of his Excellency Mr. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, and the attempted murder of the Hon. William H. Seward, the Secretary of State; and that we most respectfully desire to convey to the American people and government, as well as to the bereaved widow and family of President Lincoln, our warmest sympathy and heartfelt condolence on the sad and melancholy event, and for the irreparable loss they have sustained by such a vile, treacherous, and cowardly assassination.

That copies of the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the Hon. Mr. Adams, the American minister at London, the Secretary of the United States government, and the widow and family of the late Mr. Lincoln.

  • JOHN LAWLER, Mayor, [l. s.]
  • JOHN O’BRIEN, Town Clerk.