White Chapel District Board of Works

White Chapel district, comprising the parishes of White Chapel, Spitalfields’ Oldgate, Minories, Saint Katharine, Mile End, New Town, Norton Folgate’ Old Artillery Ground and Tower.

Sir: The board of works for the White Chapel district, at their meeting held this day, have directed me to communicate to your excellency, as the representative of the government of the United States of America in this country, their feelings of abhorrence and disgust at the assassination of the late President of the United States of America, and of the attempt upon the life of the Secretary of State, and also to express their feelings of warm sympathy with the people of America for the loss of a Chief Magistrate who, under circumstances of the most trying description, by his ability, kindness of heart, and honesty of purpose, did so much to endear himself to all over whom he was called upon to preside.

I have the honor to be your excellency’s most obedient servant,


The Hon. Charles Francis Adams,
Minister of the U. S. of America, Upper Portland Place, W.