American Residents of Victoria
At a meeting of the American residents of Victoria, V. I., held at the consulate of the United States of America, on Tuesday, April 18, 1865, it was
Unanimously resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chairman to draught resolutions expressive of our feelings in regard to the assassination of the President of the United States, and to make the necessary arrangements [Page 353] for a suitable observance of the sad event, and pay proper respect to his memory.
In compliance with the foregoing, Messrs. A. H. Guild, J. A. McCrea, G. Sutro, Julius Lowey, and S. A. Moody were appointed such committee, and on motion the president and secretary were added to the same. The meeting then adjourned.
- ALLEN FRANCIS, Chairman.
- JNO. P. COUCH, Secretary.