Inhabitants of Tynemouth

At a public meeting of the inhabitants of the borough of Tynemouth, in the county of Northumberland, held in the Town Hall, on the 2d day of May, 1865, the mayor in the chair, it was

Unanimously resolved, That the inhabitants of the borough of Tynemouth, in public meeting assembled, desire to express their feelings of sorrow and indignation at the assassination of the President of the United States of America, and at the attempt made upon the life of his chief secretary.

That while deeply lamenting the removal of President Lincoln, at a time when his influence was most urgently needed to secure a happy and peaceful termination of the war in America, this meeting sincerely hopes that the statesman upon whom the conduct of national affairs of America has now devolved may succeed in attaining that most desirable result.

That a copy of the preceding resolutions, signed by the mayor on behalf of this meeting, be forwarded to the American government through their ambassador in London.

That a copy of the foregoing resolutions, signed by the mayor, be also forwarded to Mrs. Lincoln, with an expression of the deep and sincere sympathy of the inhabitants of this borough with herself and her family in their great sorrow and bereavement; and another copy to Mrs. Seward, coupled with the expression of an earnest hope that Mr. Secretary Seward may eventually recover from the attack made upon his life.


Mayor of Tynemouth, Chairman.