Bermuda Division of the Sons of Temperance
Saint George’s, Bermuda,
May 11, 1865.
Sir: It has fallen to my lot to have the honor of
presenting you with the enclosed address from the three divisions of the
order of the Sons of Temperance located in these islands; and while I regret
the delay the said divisions have shown in the discharge of so important a
duty, do conceive it would have been a greater blunder, a grosser omission,
to have neglected it altogether. Therefore trusting you will pardon their
error in this respect.
I am, sir, yours respectfully,
General Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch, Sons of
C. M. Allen, Esq.,
United States Consul.
Saint George’s, Bermuda,
May 11, 1865.
Sir: We, the undersigned, representing the
divisions of the Sons of Temperance in Bermuda, convey to you the
following resolutions, expressive of the sympathy felt by that body in
reference to the lamentable occurrence which has so lately afflicted the
American nation, by the cruel assassination of its President.
Resolved, That recognizing the hand of Almighty
God in this afflictive stroke, the divisions of the Sons of Temperance
in the Bermuda islands have
[Page 348]
received the intelligence of the brutal murder of Abraham Lincoln, late
President of the United States, with feelings of horror and
Resolved, That to the bereaved wife and family of
the late chief ruler of the American nation, we tender our sincere
sorrow and sympathy for his untimely death. Allow us, in conclusion, to
convey to you our deep regret at this unfortunate event.
We are, sir, yours, very respectfully,
l. s.]
- GEORGE OXBORROW, G. D. Grand W. Patriarch,
- JOSEPH M. HAYWARD, Treasurer,
Star of Hope, No. 190, St. George’s.
l. s.]
- CHARLES W. B. FOYARD, D. G. W. Patriarch,
- NEIL McK. McLEOD, W. P.,
Reid Division, No. 192, Hamilton. - JOSIAH W. FRITH, W. P.,
Argus, No. 210, Warwick.
C. M. Allen, Esq.,
United States Consul.