Municipal Council of Stockton

At a meeting of the corporation of the borough of Stockton, in the county of Durham, held at the Town Hall in the said borough, on the 5th day of May, 1865—present, the mayor, Aldermen Wren, Craggs, Ord, Jackson, and Richardson; Councillors Grey, Trowsdale, Brayshey, Thompson, Knowles, T. Wren, jr., Henderson, Rigland, Clough, T. Nelson, Barnes, J. Smith, W. Nelson, T. Harrison, Brown, and Appleton—it was

Resolved, That the mayor, aldermen, and council of the borough of Stockton have learned with feelings of horror and detestation of the awful crime committed on the President of the United States and of the murderous attack on Mr. Seward, and they desire to record their sense of these cruel and cold-blooded villanies, and to express their sincere and heartfelt feelings of sorrow and regret for the calamity that has befallen that country, and for the grievous loss which its citizens have sustained.

And it was

Resolved, That the American ambassador be requested to convey to Mrs. Lincoln and the American nation the expression of their profound sympathy and condolence for this lamentable and grievous occurrence.
