Inhabitants of Brighton
Address of the inhabitants of the borough of Brighton.
To the people of the United States of America:
The address of the inhabitants of the borough of Brighton, in the county of Sussex, in public meeting assembled, on the 2d of May, 1865:
We, the inhabitants of Brighton, in public meeting assembled, desire to express our utter abhorrence and indignation at the atrocious murder of Mr. Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, by the hand of a ruthless assassin, and the profound sympathy of our hearts towards those who are our brethren in origin, at the awful calamity which has thus befallen their great nation and stricken us with amazement and terror.
While we recognize an overruling Providence in all things, it is beyond human power to fathom the depths of this mysterious dispensation at so eventful a crisis in your history.
It is our confident hope and earnest prayer that America may speedily emerge from this sad sorrow, and all her troubles, and continue with our nation the happy relations of peaceful commerce for generations to come.
Mayor of Brighton.