New York Annual Conference of Methodist Ministers
Honored Sir: The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the New York Annual Conference of Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at its session in the city of New York, commencing April 19, 1865, and ordered to be engrossed, and a copy forwarded to your excellency.
Your obedient servant,
His Excellency William H. Seward,
Secretary of State.
Resolved, That we render to our highly respected and able Secretary of State, Hon. W. H. Seward, and to the members of his family suffering with him under the murderous blows of the assassin, our deep sympathy in their sufferings, and our earnest prayers that the power which so far held the hand of the conspirator that life was saved, may be pleased to raise them to health again; and that the trained mind which has so wisely guided our foreign relations may be permitted still to offer its well-considered counsels to the President of the United States.