Mr. Marsh to Mr. Hunter

No. 121.]

Sir: I left Turin on Tuesday last and came immediately to this city. I shall make my arrangements for a permanent residence here as rapidly as possible, though, for reasons stated in a former despatch, I shall be obliged to make occasional visits to Turin, until I can secure proper apartments for my family, and the convenience of the legation, which is by no means an easy task. Mr. Clay preceded me by a few days, and has taken lodgings which will serve as an office until a better provision is made.

The Foreign Office is now established at Florence, although one branch of it, the diplomatic council, as well as some other public offices, still remain at the former capital.

I saw General La Marmora on Saturday. He inquired into our present and probable future relations with Mexico, with no small interest, and 1 know from various sources that this subject is now occupying the serious attention of Italian statesmen of all shades of political opinion. In case the Emperor Napoleon shall decide to send large re-enforcements to Mexico, I have no doubt whatever that Italy will be called upon to furnish a contingent, and the leading article in the Opinione, a semi-official organ, which I sent to you by the last post, was doubtless intended to prepare public opinion in Italy for such an event.

The pending negotiations with Rome are looked to with much anxiety. Nothing authentic has transpired as to the character of the instructions of the Italian envoy.* * * * * * * *

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.