Mr. Seward to Sir F. Bruce

Sir: I hasten, immediately after my return to the seat of government, to reply to your note of the 20th of June last, which was duly received at this department.

The President is pleased to know that, in your excellent opinion, the application, in certain cases contemplated by her Majesty’s government, of the twenty-four-hours rule to naval vessels of the United States in British ports, harbors, and waters, is more guarded than had been supposed when my note addressed to you on the 19th of June was written.

It is the desire of the United States that, as far as possible, all injurious effects of the questions which have arisen between this government and that of Great Britain during the internal disturbances which have prevailed in this country for the last four years may be removed. We hail, therefore, as of good augury every demonstration of liberality and consideration which comes to us from her Majesty’s government.

I have the honor to be, with high consideration, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce, &c., &c., &c.