Mr. Hunter to Sir F. Bruce

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, and of the affidavits which accompanied it, in relation to the detention at New York of Ernest W. Pratt and Robert Green, late of the steamer City of Richmond, and, in reply, to inform you that Major General Dix has, by a letter of that date, been requested to discharge the men from custody.

Referring to your note of the 3d of April last, on that subject, I have the honor to state that these men were detained in conformity with the requirements of the passport regulations in force at the time of their arrival at New York, and with a view to an investigation of the circumstances of their participation in the manning and equipping of the Stonewall, but in view of the termination of [Page 180] the insurrection, and the altered condition of affairs resulting therefrom, the decision already stated has been adopted.

In compliance with your request, I now return the certified copy of the shipping articles which accompanied your note of the 17th of May, the affidavits enclosed in your note of the 1st instant, and the certificates of discharge of the men from the City of Richmond, which were sent to this department by General Dix, and which contain the indorsement of the United States consul at Nassau.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your obedient servant,

W. HUNTER, Acting Secretary.

Hon. Sir Frederick W. A. Bruce, &c., &c., &c.