Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley

Sir: I have the honor to communicate herewith for your information a copy of an instruction of this date which I have, under the President’s direction, addressed to Charles Francis Adams, esq., the minister of the United States at London,* upon the receipt of telegraphic despatches from the agents of the United States in Montreal, announcing to me the facts that Samuel Eugene Lackey and others, whose extradition was requested in my note to Lord Lyons of the 21st of November last, upon the charges of murder, robbery, and assault with intent to commit murder within the jurisdiction of the United States, have been discharged from custody, that the money and other property stolen by them has been returned to them, and that they are now at large.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your obedient servant,


J. Hume Burnley, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

  1. See instruction Ko. 1190 to Mr. Adams.