Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward

Sir: With reference to my note of the 31st of January, I have the honor to transmit to you copies of a despatch, and of its enclosures, which I have received from his excellency the governor general of Canada, relative to the vessels Almandares and Pinero, alleged to be intended for the naval service of the so-called Confederate States.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.

Viscount Monck to Mr. Burnley

Sir: Referring to my despatch of the 24th of January, I have the honor to transmit to you copies of a report from the attorney general for Canada East, and of a letter from the collector of customs at the port of Montreal, relative to the vessels Alamandares and Pinero.

I shall feel much obliged if you will communicate this information to the Secretary of State of the United states.

I have, &c., &c.


J. Hume Burnley, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Cartier to Viscount Monck

The undersigned has the honor, in addition to his report of the 24th ultimo, to transmit to his excellency the governor general copy of a letter, with enclosure, received from the collector of customs at Montreal, in relation to two vessels, Almandares and Pinero, the former of which is reported as having been sold to Spanish subjects at Havana, and. the latter, still lying in the Lachine canal, as having been transferred by bill of sale to a gentleman residing In the city of Montreal.


Attorney General, L. C.

Mr. Holmes to Mr. Futroye

Sir: With reference to your letter dated 28th December last, requiring to be informed, for the information of the honorable the attorney general,- of any facts thereafter coming to my knowledge touching the vessels El Almandares and Pinero, I beg to say, this morning’s mail brought me back the registry of the Almandares, with advice of her transfer at Havana.

Enclosed is copy of letter of advice.

I have, &c.,

BENJ. HOLMES, Collector.

George Futroye, Esq., Clerk of Crown Law Department, Quebec.

P. S.—The Pinero still lying in the canal, but has been transferred by bill of sale to Joseph Tiffin, jr., of this city.

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Mr. Bunch to the Registrar

Sir: I have the honor of transmitting to you herewith the British certificate of registry of steamer AImandares, official number 46,257, of your port, sold this day to Spanish subjects for $81,340, currency of Canada.

I remain, &c.,

JOHN BUNCH, Consul General.

The REGISTRAR, Montreal, Canada.