Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams

No. 1329.]

Sir: On the 29th instant Major General Sherman, who had come up from Goldsboro’ to City Point, had a conference there with the President and Lieutenant General Grant. General Sherman immediately thereafter returned to his own command. On the 28th instant the Lieutenant General organized a large movable force below Petersburg, and so disposed of it as to oblige the rebel General Lee to weaken his batteries in intrenchments, or leave the Southside railroad unprotected. The movement continued with alternating advance and retreat throughout the 28th, 29th and 30th. On the 31st General Sheridan, in command of the cavalry arm, seized the Southside railroad, and sweeping backwards, flanked the forces of Lee, and obtained a signal victory. On the 2d the main force, under the Lieutenant General’s immediate command, broke through the enemy’s intrenchments below Petersburg, and then, by contracting their line to the Appomattox, above the city, completed their investment. Early on the 3d Petersburg and Richmond were evacuated. General Weitzel entered the rebel stronghold, and the Lieutenant General was in pursuit of the retreating rebel army. The Lieutenant General reports that in the engagements which preceded the evacuation of Petersburg our forces captured 50 guns and 12,000 prisoners. Here our information concerning this great movement ends. The country has surrendered itself up to demonstrations of joy and gratitude to Almighty God. Major General Hancock, with a large force, is still in the valley of Virginia, awaiting the Lieutenant General’s orders.

Major General Stoneman, with the cavalry of the army of the Cumberland, is reported crossing the Blue Ridge, at Boone, in North Carolina, to co-operate with the armies under the Lieutenant General and Major General Sherman.

We hear of an advance by land and sea against Mobile, but not yet of the result of that important manœuvre.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

[Same, mutatis mutandis, to all our principal ministers in Europe.]