No. 914.]
Legation of the United States,
March 30, 1865.
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Resolutions passed at George’s Hall.
1st resolution. That this meeting having heard
the address of the Reverend Crammond Kennedy, fully approves of the
object of the Freedmen’s Relief Association in America, which, while
administering immediate temporal relief, seeks to give such aid,
physical and educational, and to apply such moral and religious
culture, as shall, under the divine blessing, enable the once
downtrodden and degraded slave to act for himself, and to give
evidence of his capacity for the blessings of freedom and equality
in the eye of the law.
Proposed by the Rev. Dr. Massie, and seconded by Mr. John
2d resolution. That this meeting commence
subscriptions forthwith, in aid of the fund for the relief of the
freedmen, and appoint a committee to canvass both for money and
clothes, to be received at the school-room of Argyle Square church,
and forwarded to the depot as early as possible.
Proposed by Mr. Richard Gunton, and seconded by Mr. C. W. Smith.
3d resolution. That this meeting of north
London affectionately and fraternally congratulates the people of
the United States of America on the progress they have made of
removing from their country the curse of slavery, since the election
of their noble President, Abraham Lincoln, and the sad attempt to
form a separate slave confederacy, and cordially expresses the hope
that the blessings of peace may soon be restored to them.
Proposed by Mr. Robert Jobson, and seconded by Mr. —— Taylor.
Rev. Dr. BAYLEY, Chairman.