Mr. Adams to Mr.
No. 904.]
Legation of the United States,
March 23, 1865.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit copies of
papers, sent to me by Lord Russell, announcing the establishment of a
provisional flag of the duchies of Holstein, Schleswig, and Lauenburg by
the assent of three of the powers of Europe. A copy of my acknowledgment
of the reception of these papers is added.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Lord Russell to Mr. Adams
Foreign Office,
March 11, 1865
The undersigned, her Britannic Majesty’s principal secretary of state
for foreign affairs, has the honor to transmit to Mr. Adams, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States at
this court, copies of notes which have been addressed to the
undersigned by the representatives of Austria and Prussia at this
court, announcing the determination of their respective governments
to grant to the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg a
provisional national flag, and requesting the recognition of the
same flag by her Majesty’s government.
[Page 260]
The undersigned begs at the same time to transmit to Mr. Adams a copy
of a despatch which he has addressed to her Majesty’s
representatives at Vienna and Berlin, containing the decision of her
Majesty’s government on this question, for communication to the
governments of Austria and Prussia.
The undersigned requests Mr. Adams to accept the assurances of his
highest consideration.
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
Mr. Barnstorff to Earl Russell
February 21, 1865.
My Lord: The government of the King my
gracious sovereign, in conjunction with the Austrian government, has
determined to grant a provisional national flag to the ships of the
duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg until the definitive
settlement of those territories.
This flag will have the colors blue, white and red, in horizontal
stripes, and will be distinguished from the Mechlenburg flag, which
has the same colors, by a yellow field placed on the blue field,
next the flag-staff.
I am instructed, together with the Austrian ambassador, who will at
the same time address a communication to your excellency, to propose
this provisional flag for recognition to the government of her
Majesty the Queen, &c., and at the same time to express the hope
of his Majesty’s government that the British government will grant
to the ships bearing this flag the same rights which belonged to the
ships of the aforesaid three duchies until their separation from
Denmark, on the ground of the commerce and navigation treaties
concluded by that power with England.
I have the honor to be, &c, &c, &c,
Earl Russell,
&c., &c., &c.
Lord Russell to Lord Napier and A. A. G. Bonar, Esq
Foreign Office,
March 8, 1865.
My Lord: Sir: I enclose herewith to your
lordship a copy of a note which was addressed to me on the 21st
ultimo by the Prussian ambassador at this court, stating that the
governments of Austria and Prussia had determined to grant a
provisional national flag to the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and
Lunenburg until the definitive settlement of the constitution of
these territories, and proposing that her Majesty’s government
should recognize the flag in question, and should grant to ships
bearing it the same rights which were accorded to the ships of the
duchies previously to their separation from Denmark. A similar
communication was addressed to me by the Austrian ambassador.
I have to instruct you to state to the minister for foreign affairs
that her Majesty’s government have fully considered this proposal,
and that they are prepared to recognize the flag provisionally,
saving the rights of the states of Holstein and Schleswig, and of
the German confederation, and only till the definitive constitution
of the duchies concerned.
I am,&c.,&c.
The Lord Napier, A. A. G. Bonar, Esq.,&c.,
&c., &c.
Mr. Adams to Earl Russell
Legation of the United
March 21, 1865.
Sir: The undersigned, envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of the United States at the court of
St. James, has the honor to acknowledge the reception of a note from
the right honorable Earl Russell, her Majesty’s principal secretary
of state for foreign affairs, dated the 16th instant, communicating
to him copies of separate notes addressed to him by the
representatives of Austria and Prussia, relative to the
establishment of a provisional national flag for the duchies of
Schleswig, Holstein, and Lunenburg, and also of his reply,
containing the decision of her Majesty’s government, consenting to
recognize the same.
The undersigned has the honor to renew, &c, &c, &c.
Right Honorable Earl Russell, &c.,&c.,&c.
[Page 261]
February 21, 1865.
Count: The government of his imperial and
royal apostolic Majesty, and that of his Majesty the King of
Prussia, have determined to grant a temporary national flag to the
duchies of Holstein and Schleswig, till their definite construction,
composed of three horizontal blue, white, and red stripes, with a
yellow square on the blue stripe, near the staff.
I am charged on this account in connexion with my Prussian colleague,
to invite the government of her Britannic Majesty to recognize this
flag, and to give the orders necessary for its recognition in all
the ports dependent on the Crown of England, and by all the British
naval authorities.
The imperial government is pleased to hope that until the conclusion
of new treaties of navigation with the government, to be constituted
in the duchies, vessels sailing under the temporary national flag
may enjoy the same rights and immunities granted to vessels of
Holstein, Schleswig, and Lunenburg, before their separation from
Denmark, according to treaties of commerce and navigation existing
with that kingdom.
In asking your excellency to communicate to me, at your leisure, the
result of this request, I remain, &c., &c., &c.