Mr. Seward to Mr.
No. 1317.]
Department of State,
March 22, 1865.
Sir: Referring to my No. 1280, of the 28th
ultimo, and No. 1315, of the 21st instant, I now transmit a copy of a
despatch of the 1st instant, No. 159, from O. M. Allen, esq., our consul
at Bermuda, which relates to some of the crew of the late piratical
vessel Florida, and other men now at Bermuda, under charge of a rebel
agent, waiting to ship on rebel vessels, and to the transfer, from the
steamer City of Richmond of men, arms, and ammunition to the Stonewall,
alias Olinde, alias
You are expected to make such use of the information thus imparted, in
your representations to her Majesty’s government, as your judgment shall
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq.,&c., &c., &c.
Mr. Allen to Mr. Seward
No. 159.]
Consulate of the United States
at Bermuda,
March 1, 1865.
Sir: Your despatch, No. 83, with enclosure,
is at hand.
Sixteen of the crew formerly belonging to the Florida, with many
other seamen, are here, under the charge of the rebel agent. Either
the Shenandoah, or a rebel iron-clad called the Stonewall, are
hourly expected here.
The steamer City of Richmond, under the British flag, arrived here a
few days since; one of her seamen informs me they took from
Cherbourg sixty men, which they put on board the Stonewall, near
Belle Isle, France; they also transferred a large quantity of arms
and ammunition to the Stonewall then under command of a Captain
Paige, formerly of the United States navy.
The authorities here are using their utmost vigilance to prevent the
men of the late Florida going on board any rebel armed vessel. It
having been supposed that the City of Richmond would take them from
here, the lieutenant governor ordered an officer of the customs to
remain on board to prevent these men leaving in her.
The United States steamer Connecticut came to anchor off these
islands on the evening of the 26th, and left the next day.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.