Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams

No. 1312.]

Sir: The public attention is now fastening itself upon Richmond, and things surrounding it. Major General Sheridan, after having destroyed all the railroad [Page 254] and canal avenues on the north side of the James river, from Staunton to the Pamunkey, has crossed the last named river, and established himself at the White House. He encountered only the resistance of Early’s small force, most of which he captured. With reference to immediate results, it may be exaggeration to put the march of Sheridan above that of Sherman through Georgia and North Carolina, but it is allowed to have been effective beyond a parallel. Sheridan’s force is now practically combined with the army of the Potomac, and henceforth may be in direct co-operation.,

The battle of Kinston cost each party about three thousand men. The enemy have evacuated that town, and Major General Schofield awaits there, or in its vicinity, the arrival of Major General Sherman at Goldsboro,’ who, on the 11th instant, captured Fayetteville, and appointed yesterday, the 20th, for his entrance into Goldsboro’. Johnston and Hardee are understood to be concentrating in front of that place—perhaps at Raleigh. The army of the Potomac is still at rest before Richmond. Significant political movements occurred there last week. The effort to bring negroes into the rebel service was begun. The so-called congress, on the eve of an intended adjournment, was detained by a message from Davis, announcing that Richmond is in imminent danger, and demanding extreme measures, and virtually dictatorial powers, including a suspension of the habeas corpus, unlimited control over exemptions, and authority to seize gold for the uses of the rebel authorities. The so-called legislature listened and adjourned, as is understood, without reviewing the policy of which Davis complained, and without conceding the most, much less all, of the extraordinary powers demanded. We hear that troops have arrived in Mobile bay, and that our naval forces have crossed Dog bar, below the city.

You will find in the public papers Davis’s account of an attempt to bring about a military convention between Lee and Grant, to make peace or gain time. It is true, as he says, that an overture of this kind was made by the rebel agents in the conference with the President and Secretary of State at Hampton roads, but it was firmly though courteously declined.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Caarles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

[Same, mutatis mutandis, to all our principal ministers in Europe.]