Mr. Koerner to Mr. Seward.
Sir:* * * * *
I have been surprised to learn, by copy of your despatch 69, of February 25, a. c., that Mr. Tassara had received no instructions to sign the convention by which the King of the Belgians was appointed to arbitrate the question of maritime jurisdiction in the waters of Cuba between the United States and Spain.
It was on the 17th of November last that the Marquis of Miraflores informed me that the draught of the convention had been examined, and that he had, after having suggested some very slight modification, calculated to make the nature of the question still plainer, instructed Mr. Tassara to sign the convention. The Marquis remained in office until the middle of January following, and he never gave me the least intimation as to any change in his views on the subject.
I shall take the first opportunity to ascertain whether the omission to send instructions was merely accidental, or owing to a change of policy.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.