Mr. Seward to Mr. Morris.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your three despatches, all dated the 4th ultimo, and numbered 68, 69, and 70. The information communicated in the latter, concerning the removal of the Shiek-ul-Islam, is very interesting and instructive.
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The arrest of Mustook Pacha is a gratifying event, and attests the energy of your exertions to prevent a repetition of such outrages as the late assassinations of the Reverend Mr. Coffing and the Reverend Mr. Merriam. It is hoped that your efforts to secure the arrest of the criminal Kaleel may also be successful.
The pistols intended for the governor of Adrianople have at length been finished, and will be sent to you by the steamer which will carry this instruction, to the care of our consul at Liverpool, who will be directed to transmit them to Constantinople by the safest and quickest means.
The designs for the handles, which are of solid silver, (oxydized,) and those on the barrels, were made by Mr. Ward, a young and promising sculptor of New York, who also superintended the workmanship, which, as you will perceive, is of the very finest description. In presenting them to the ex-Grand Vizier, as a testimonial of the President’s appreciation of the interest his highness took in the arrest and punishment of the murderers of Mr. Merriam, you will use the opportunity to enforce the value of such services as those rendered by him on the occasion referred to, and the high estimation in which they must ever be held by the government and people of the United States.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
E. Joy Morris, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Constantinople.