Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton

No. 524.]

Sir: Your despatch of March 25, No. 440, has been received.

You allude therein to a report that reaches us through English journals of effect that it is arranged that the projected imperial government in Mexico shall soon extend a recognition to the insurgents at Richmond. The contradiction of this report, on the authority of the Emperor of France, as you have communicated it to me, is gratifying, although no credit whatever has been given here to the statements referred to. On the contrary, it has not seemed probable that the Prince Maximilian could extend his guardianship to insurgents here while yet engaged in a struggle with the existing authorities of Mexico, unless indeed he was assured of support in that event by the government of France. Nor has it seemed probable, in view of previous explanations of M. Drouyn de l’Huys, that the Emperor of the French would be anxious to enlarge his responsibilities concerning American politics, at least before the Mexican problem should have definitely reached a solution.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


William L. Dayton Esq.