Mr. Seward to Mr. Pike

No. 171.]

Sir: Your despatch of July 20, No. 143, has been received. I learn from it that you are by no means free of apprehension that the insurgents may yet get in French ports iron-clads adapted to open New Orleans or break the blockade, and you observe that the ships-of-war we have in European waters are not well calculated to prevent such a proceeding. I have cause to believe that the French government will suffer no armed iron-clads or other ships-of-war to go out of French ports to make war against the United States, and that our naval force in Europe would be useful in hindering the departure of not only armed wooden vessels but also of unarmed iron vessels. It is important for us to know to what extent the remaining of that naval force is advantageous, and I hope, [Page 322] therefore, that you will seek an opportunity informally to confer upon this question, not only with the commanders of these vessels but also with our representatives at London, Paris, and Brussels, and communicate to me the result of the conference. Your special expenses in performing this duty will be paid. I give copies of this despatch to the ministers concerned.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


James S. Pike, Esq., &c., &c., &c.