Hon. William H. Seward
Secretary of State, &c., &c.,
Mr. Dayton to M. Drouyn de l’Huys
December 19, 1863.
Monsieur le Ministre: Although it may be,
and perhaps is, an act of supererogation, I beg to enclose to your
excellency copies of the affidavits of Richard Spendiff, George
Hill, and James Nunn, persons recently employed upon the confederate
vessel now called the Rappahannock, lying in the port of Calais.
These affidavits are merely cumulative evidence showing the fact,
which has not, I believe, been disputed, that this vessel, in
violation of the principle of international law and the Emperor’s
proclamation, is being equipped and fitted out in that port to
cruise against the commerce of the United States. This vessel is yet
within the jurisdiction of France, and may be justly detained. If,
under the circumstances, she be permitted to complete her equipment,
and then to depart, I respectfully submit that the French government
will be justly responsible for all damages done by her. Is it not
desirable to avoid, if possible, all fair ground for future
I take this opportunity to renew to your excellency the assurances of
high regard with which I have the honor to be, your excellency’s
very obedient servant,