Papers relating to foreign affairs.
No. | From whom and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1864. | ||||
950 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | May 18 | Parliamentary proceedings in regard to neutrality. | 1 |
951 | do | May 18 | The enlistments by agents of the insurgents in British ports. | 1 |
952 | do | May 18 | The case of the Lairds’ rams and of the Alexandra. Movements of piratical cruisers. | 1 |
953 | do | May 19 | Policy of Great Britain in reference to the civil war in the United States. | 2 |
693 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | May 19 | The adjournment of Parliament. Conference on the Danish question. | 2 |
694 | do | May 19 | Parliamentary debates on the case of the Georgia. | 3 |
697 | do | May 20 | The Georgia advertised for sale | 27 |
956 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | May 21 | Progress of military and financial affairs in the United States. | 27 |
958 | do | May 21 | Case of the Georgia | 28 |
698 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | May 26 | Proceedings of Parliament. Conference on the Danish question. | 29 |
699 | do | May 26 | Purchase of the iron-clad rams by the British government. Projects of the insurgent agents and emissaries. | 29 |
700 | do | May 26 | Final proceeding in the case of the pirates of the Joseph L. Gerrity. | 30 |
964 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | May 28 | Parliamentary proceedings in relation to suffrage. | 59 |
966 | do | May 28 | Piratical projects of the insurgents. Prospect of the campaign. | 59 |
969 | do | May 30 | The suppression of the African slave trade. Extradition of Arguelles. | 60 |
972 | do | May 31 | Congressional legislation in regard to finance. Progress of military operations. | 74 |
704 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 2 | The forged proclamation calling for volunteers. | 75 |
705 | do | June 2 | Public opinion and parliamentary proceedings in England in regard to American affairs. | 76 |
706 | do | June 2 | Case of the Will-o’-the-Wisp | 77 |
707 | do | June 2 | Enlistment of seamen in Great Britain by agents of the insurgents. | 78 |
1864. | ||||
708 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 2 | Conference on the Danish question. The ministerial crisis. | 88 |
978 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | June 3 | Parliamentary proceedings in regard to neutrality. | 98 |
979 | do | June 3 | Piratical cruisers in British waters | 99 |
981 | do | June 6 | Progress of military operations. Congressional proceedings. | 99 |
984 | do | June 9 | Purchase of the Lairds’ rams by the British government. | 100 |
712 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 10 | Case of the Georgia. Her reported sale | 100 |
715 | do | June 10 | Enlistments of seamen in Great Britain by agents of the insurgents. | 101 |
991 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | June 14 | Progress of military operations. The presidential canvass. | 102 |
718 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 16 | Debate in the House of Lords on the subject of enlistments in Great Britain. | 103 |
720 | do | June 16 | The Alabama at Cherbourg | 111 |
721 | do | June 16 | Rules in regard to American cruisers in British waters. | 120 |
722 | do | June 17 | Conference on the Danish question. Parliamentary proceedings. | 124 |
723 | do | June 17 | Instructions to governors of colonies respecting the treatment of prizes brought into British waters. Statistics in regard to American vessels sold to British subjects in 1863. | 124 |
996 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | June 20 | Public opinion in Great Britain in regard to American affairs. | 173 |
997 | do | June 20 | Conference on the Danish question | 173 |
998 | do | June 20 | Enlistments by agents of the insurgents in British ports. | 174 |
1000 | do | June 20 | Progress of military operations | 175 |
1001 | do | June 20 | The forged proclamation. | 175 |
Do,(teleg’m) | June 21 | Military operations | 175 | |
724 | |Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 21 | Destruction of the Alabama by the Kearsarge. | 175 |
725 | do | June 23 | Termination of the conference on the Danish question. Mr. Lindsay’s motion for recognition. | 180 |
726 | do | June 23 | The engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. Conduct of the Deerhound. | 180 |
728 | do | June 23 | British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 182 |
729 | do | June 23 | Case of the Hawk. | 184 |
1007 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | June 27 | Case of the Georgia | 188 |
1008 | do | June 27 | Enlistments in England by agents of the insurgents. | 188 |
1009 | do | June 27 | Increase of the naval force of the United States in European waters. | 188 |
1010 | do | June 27 | Difficulty between Spain and Peru | 189 |
1013 | do | June 28 | Progress of military operations | 189 |
731 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | June 28 | The conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 189 |
733 | do | June 30 | The Danish question. The ministerial crisis. | 192 |
734 | do | June 30 | The conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. Enlistments of seamen in Great Britain by agents of the insurgents. | 192 |
735 | do | June 30 | Thanks to the British government for services rendered by Her Majesty’s ship Perseus to the American bark Maryland, in Japan. | 197 |
1864. | ||||
1015 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 2 | Parliamentary proceedings in regard to alleged American violation of the-enlistment laws of Great Britain. | 198 |
1017 | do | July 2 | The Alabama. Policy of Great Britain in regard to American affairs. | 198 |
1018 | do | July 2 | Alleged violation of neutrality regulations of the British government by the United States vessels at the Bahamas. | 199 |
1019 | do | July 2 | Parliamentary proceedings in regard to American affairs. | 199 |
1020 | do | July 2 | Acknowledgment of despatches | 199 |
1021 | do | July 4 | Resignation of the Secretary of the Treasury. Conclusion of the session of Congress. Progress of military operations. | 200 |
Do,(teleg’m) | July 6 | The insurgent raid on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. | 201 | |
737 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | July 7 | Legal proceedings instituted under the foreign enlistment act. | 201 |
738 | do | July 7 | Case of the Hawk | 201 |
739 | do | July 7 | Conduct of the British vice-consul at Key West. | 202 |
740 | do | July 8 | Reported combination between Russia, Austria, and Prussia for mutual defence. | 204 |
743 | do | July 8 | Resolutions adopted by the Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester. | 205 |
1025 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 8 | Destruction of the pirate Alabama by the Kearsarge. Rescue of the prisoners by the Deerhound. | 206 |
1027 | do | July 9 | Consular privileges and exequaturs | 208 |
1028 | do | July 11 | Same subject. Destruction of the Alabama by the Kearsarge. | 211 |
1029 | do | July 11 | Political affairs in Europe | 211 |
1032 | do | July 12 | Progress of military operations | 211 |
744 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | July 14 | The ministerial crisis. British policy in regard to continental affairs. | 212 |
745 | do | July 14 | The conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 213 |
747 | do | July 14 | Request of a captured officer of the Alabama to be paroled | 216 |
748 | do | July 15 | Plea of “guilty” put in by a London shipping agent indicted for a violation of the foreign enlistment act. | 217 |
1035 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 15 | The interference of the Deerhound in the battle between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 218 |
1039 | do | July 16 | Same subject | 220 |
1041 | do | July 18 | Progress of military operations | 220 |
751 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | July 21 | Proceedings of an association organized for the purpose of inducing intervention in behalf of the insurgents. | 222 |
752 | do | July 21 | Regulations in regard to vessels laden with combustibles ascending the Thames. Movements of cruisers of the United States. | 223 |
1042 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 26 | Progress of military operations | 224 |
1043 | do | July 27 | Acknowledgment of the resolutions adopted by the Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester on the 4th of July, 1864. | 225 |
1045 | do | July 28 | The conviction of John Seymour, shipping agent for the pirates. | 226 |
1046 | do | July 28 | Proceedings of Captain Winslow, of the Kearsage. Refusal of the insurgents to exchange prisoners. | 226 |
1864. | ||||
1049 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 28 | Parliamentary proceedings in reference to proposed recognition of the insurgents. | 227 |
753 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | July 28 | Prorogation of Parliament. Mr. Lindsay’s motion. | 228 |
755 | do | July 29 | Conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama, | 229 |
756 | do | July 29 | Parliamentary debate on the subject of enlistments. Increase of emigration to the United States | 250 |
1050 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | July 29 | The Florida using the Bermuda islands as a base for depredations on American commerce. | 263 |
1054 | do | Aug. 1 | Parliamentary debates on American affairs and the policy of Great Britain towards the United States. | 264 |
1056 | do | Aug. 1 | Progress of military operations | 264 |
758 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 4 | Case of the Georgia | 265 |
1063 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Aug. 8 | Efforts of the insurgents to procure recognition by Great Britain. | 267 |
1064 | do | Aug. 9 | Progress of military and naval operations. Passage of the forts at Mobile. | 268 |
1068 | do | Aug. 15 | Emigration from Great Britain to the United States. | 268 |
1069 | do | Aug. 15 | Interference of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. | 270 |
1070 | do | Aug. 15 | Progress of military and naval operations. The pirate Tallahassee. | 271 |
1071 | do | Aug. 15 | Efforts of the insurgents to procure recognition by Great Britain. | 271 |
759 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 18 | Trials at Liverpool of persons indicted for violation of foreign enlistment act. | 272 |
760 | do | Aug. 18 | The Cuban slave trade and efforts for its repression. Case of the Ciceron. | 275 |
761 | do | Aug. 18 | The sale of the Georgia. Adoption of a rule by the British government prohibiting all transfer or dismantling of belligerent vessels in British ports. | 277 |
762 | do | Aug. 18 | Consular officers of the United States in Canada. | 279 |
763 | do | Aug. 18 | Form of consular exequaturs | 280 |
1074 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Aug. 20 | Cases of the Georgia and the Tallahassee | 282 |
1076 | do | Aug. 22 | Progress of military and naval operations | 282 |
766 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 25 | The riots in Belfast. Emigration to America. Speech of Lord Palmerston at Tiverton. Effect of the news from the United States upon public opinion. | 283 |
767 | do | Aug. 25, | Capture of the Georgia | 289 |
1077 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Aug. 26 | Case of the Georgia | 289 |
1078 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Aug. 29 | Progress of military operations. Capture of Fort Morgan. | 289 |
769 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 1 | Conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. | 290 |
770 | do | Sept. 1 | The present condition of the contest in the United States. | 290 |
772 | do | Sept. 2 | The Cuban slave trade. Landing of a cargo of 1,200 negroes in Cuba. | 291 |
773 | do | Sept. 2 | Case of the Tuscaloosa | 292 |
1864. | ||||
774 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 2 | case of the Florida at Bermuda | 292 |
1080 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Sept. 5 | Capture of Atlanta. Progress of military operations. | 293 |
777 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 8 | Effects of news and rumors from the United States upon public opinion and commercial affairs. | 294 |
779 | do | Sept. 8 | Conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 295 |
780 | do | Sept. 8 | Capture of the Georgia | 298 |
781 | do | Sept. 9 | Course of the authorities of Bermuda in relation to the Florida. | 299 |
1086 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Sept. 16 | The Belfast riots. Emigration to the United States. Lord Palmerston’s speech at Tiverton. European misconceptions in regard to intervention in the affairs of the United States. | 299 |
785 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 16 | Escape of deserters from ships-of-war | 300 |
1087 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Sept. 19 | General condition of affairs in the United States. The Chicago convention. Progress of military operations. | 303 |
1090 | do | Sept. 19 | Consular exequaturs | 305 |
1092 | do | Sept. 19 | Case of the Florida at Burmuda | 305 |
1093 | do | Sept. 19 | Case of the Tuscaloosa | 305 |
1094 | do | Sept. 19 | Conduet of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 306 |
1096 | do | Sept. 20 | Proceedings under the treaty for the suppression of the slave trade. | 306 |
1097 | do | Sept. 20 | The transfer or dismantling of belligerent vessels in British ports. Capture of the Georgia. | 306 |
1098 | do | Sept. 20 | The trials for violation of the enlistment laws in Great Britain. | 307 |
786 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 22 | Effects of American news upon the cotton loan of the insurgents. Efforts to obtain signatures to an address to the people of the United States in favor of disunion. Blockade running enterprises. | 307 |
787 | do | Sept. 22 | Consular officers of the United States in Canada. | 308 |
1103 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Sept. 24 | Action of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 309 |
1104 | do | Sept. 24 | Public opinion in England in regard to affairs of the United States. Progress of military operations | 309 |
1106 | do | Sept. 24 | Case of the Georgia | 309 |
1107 | do | Sept. 26 | Progress of military operations | 310 |
789 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 29 | Action of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 310 |
790 | do | Sept. 29 | Efforts of sympathizers with the insurgents to procure signatures to an address to the people of the United States recommending disunion. | 313 |
1110 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Oct. 3 | Criminals sent by the provincial authorities of Newfoundland to the United States. | 318 |
1111 | do | Oct. 4 | Plot to seize the United States steamer Michigan, and to release the prisoners at Johnson’s island. Progress of military operations. Retirement of Mr. Blair and appointment of Mr. Dennison. Withdrawal of Fremont from the presidential canvass. | 319 |
1864. | ||||
792 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 6 | European cotton market and its effect upon the financial resources of the insurgents. | 321 |
1113 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Oct. 7 | Case of the deserters from the Iroquois at Dover. | 322 |
1114 | do | Oct. 7 | Effect of recent events in the United States on public opinion in Europe. | 323 |
1116 | do | Oct. 7 | Operations of slave traders in Cuba | 323 |
1116½ | do | Oct. 10 | Case of the British vice-consul at Key West. | 324 |
1117 | do | Oct. 10 | Action of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 326 |
1118 | do | Oct. 10 | Progress of military operations | 328 |
1120 | do | Oct. 10 | Increase of the naval force of the United States on the lakes. | 329 |
1124 | do | Oct. 17 | Schemes and efforts of agents and sympathizers with the insurgents in Great Britain. | 329 |
Mr. Moran to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 14 | Resolutions of the Union Emancipation Society of Manchester. | 330 | |
Do | Oct. 14 | Address of the Union Emancipation Society of Glasgow. | 330 | |
1126 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Oct. 17 | Action of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 333 |
1127 | do | Oct. 17 | Case of the deserters from the Iroquois at Dover. | 333 |
1128 | do | Oct. 18 | Progress of military operations. Results of State elections. | 334 |
1130 | do | Oct. 19 | Alleged enlistment of several thousand Poles for the insurgent military service. | 335 |
796 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 20 | Efforts of agents of the insurgents to despatch vessels and arms, and to raise money for their cause by a fair or bazaar. | 336 |
798 | do | Oct. 20 | Case of deserters from the Iroquois at Dover | 336 |
1131 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Oct. 20 | The cotton market in Europe, and its influences on the fortunes of the insurrection. | 337 |
1135 | do | Oct. 24 | Progress of military operations | 337 |
1136 | do | Oct. 24 | The use of the British possessions on our northern frontier as a basis for the hostile operations of the insurgents. | 338 |
800 | Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 27 | Speeches of public men, and other indications of public opinion in regard to affairs of the United States. Conditions of parties in Great Britain. | 347 |
803 | do | Nov. 3 | Proceedings of a meeting at Sunderland | 347 |
805 | do | Nov. 3 | Cases of the Tuscaloosa, and of the criminals sent by the provincial authorities of Newfoundland to the United States. | 349 |
806 | do | Nov. 3 | Operations of slave-traders in Cuba | 348 |
809 | do | Nov. 10 | The parliamentary recess. Capture of the Florida. | 349 |
810 | do | Nov. 10 | The alleged enlistment of Poles for the military service of the insurgents. | 350 |
813 | do | Nov. 18 | The parliamentary recess. Condition of affairs in the United States. | 350 |
814 | do | Nov. 18 | Action of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and Alabama. | 351 |
815 | do | Nov. 18 | Case of the Sea King at Teneriffe. | 352 |
816 | do | Nov. 18 | Case of the British vice-consul at Key West. | 353 |
817 | do | Nov. 18 | Proceedings of the British association organized to give aid and comfort to the rebels. | 354 |
1153 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Nov. 17 | Proceedings of the Canadian authorities in regard to prevention of hostile expeditions against the United States. | 355 |
1864. | ||||
1159 | Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Nov. 21 | Progress of military operations | 357 |
1162 | do | Nov. 29 | Progress of military operations. Resignation of the Attorney General. Correspondence with Mr. Joseph Parker. | 358 |
1164 | do | Nov. 29 | Projected hostile expeditions from Canada | 360 |
1165 | do | Nov. 30 | Capture of the steamer Roanoke by the insurgents. | 361 |
1171 | do | Dee. 3 | Equipment of the Sea King for piratical purposes. | 367 |
1173 | do | Dec. 5 | Reply to the application of Lord Wharncliffe. | 367 |
1174 | do | Dec. 5 | The result of the late national election | 368 |
1177 | do | Dec. 5 | The conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. | 369 |
1178 | do | Dec. 5 | Equipment of the Sea King. The conduct of the Deerhound in the engagement between the Kearsarge and the Alabama. | 369 |
1180 | do | Dec. 5 | Departure of Lord Lyons | 369 |
1182 | do | Dec. 5 | The military situation. | 370 |
APPENDIX. | 1863. | |||
794 | Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Adams. | Dec. 27 | Alleged violation of the foreign enlistment act in the case of the Kearsarge. | 371 |
792 | do | Dec 28 | Case of the Sea Bride. | 373 |
NOTES. | ||||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | July 3 | Case of the Isabella Thompson | 385 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | July 10 | Same subject | 386 | |
Do | July 18 | Case of the Victor | 387 | |
Do | Aug 1 | Same subject | 388 | |
390 | ||||
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Stuart. | Aug. 26 | Restrictions on trade between New York and the Bahamas. | 390 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 29. | Case of the Blanche | 391 | |
Do | Oct. 30 | Restrictions on trade between New York and the Bahamas. | 394 | |
Do | Oct. 31 | Case of the Victor. | 395 | |
Do | Nov. 2 | Case of the Sir William Peel | 396 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 4 | Case of the Victor | 398 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 13 | Case of the Sir William Peel | 400 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 18 | Case of the H. G. Berry | 401 | |
Do. | Dec. 12 | Case of the Chesapeake | 401 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 12 | Case of the Chesapeake | 402 | |
Do | Dec. 16 | Case of the Chesapeake | 402 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 16 | Case of the Chesapeake | 402 | |
Do | Dec. 17 | Case of the Chesapeake | 403 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 17 | Case of the Chesapeake | 404 | |
Do | Dec. 18 | Case of the Chesapeake | 404 | |
1863. | ||||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 18. | Case of the Chesapeake | 405 | |
Do | Dec. 19 | Case of the Labuan | 406 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 20 | Case of the Chesapeake | 407 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 22 | Case of the Julia | 407 | |
Memorandum | Dec. 22 | Case of the Mont Blanc | 411 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 23 | Case of the Julia | 411 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 23 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 412 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 24 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 450 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 26 | Case of James McHugh | 450 | |
Do | Dec. 26 | Case of the Banshee | 451 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 28 | Case of the Mont Blanc. | 452 | |
Do | Dec. 29 | Case of the H. G. Berry | 452 | |
Do | Dec. 30 | Case of James McHugh | 453 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 30 | Case of the victor | 454 | |
Do | Dec. 31 | Case of the Isabella Thompson | 455 | |
1864. | ||||
Do | Jan. 2 | Case of the Don Jose | 461 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 3 | Same subject | 467 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 4 | Case of the Chesapeake | 468 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 5 | Same subject | 468 | |
Do | Jan. 5 | Applications for exemption from liability as citizens of the United States by persons claiming to be British subjects. | 468 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 6 | Restrictions on trade with British colonial ports. | 469 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 7 | Same subject | 471 | |
Do | Jan. 8 | Exportation of treasure on foreign vessels-of-war. | 473 | |
Do | Jan. 8 | Case of the Banshee | 473 | |
Do | Jan. 9 | Case of the Chesapeake | 474 | |
Do | Jan. 11 | Case of the Sir William Peel. | 475 | |
Do | Jan. 12 | Supposed gathering of insurgents at Windsor, Canada. | 482 | |
Do | Jan. 13 | Case of the Chesapeake | 482 | |
Do | Jan. 13 | Case of the Julia. | 483 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 13 | Case of the Chesapeake | 483 | |
Do | Jan. 13 | Supposed gathering of insurgents at Windsor, Canada. | 484 | |
Do | Jan. 13 | Cases of the Volante and Dashing Wave | 484 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 14 | Same subject | 484 | |
Do | Jan. 15 | Case of Patrick Hamilton | 484 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 15 | Detention of live stock by the United States customs authorities at Niagara. | 485 | |
Do | Jan. 16 | Case of the Chesapeake | 488 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 16 | Case of the Joseph L. Gerrity | 490 | |
Do | Jan. 18 | Case of the Chesapeake | 490 | |
Do | Jan. 18 | Case of Tames McHugh | 491 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 18 | Case of the Banshee | 493 | |
Do | Jan. 18 | Case of the Joseph L. Gerrity. | 493 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 19 | Case of the Banshee | 493 | |
Do | Jan. 20 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 494 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 20 | Case of the Etta | 496 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 21 | Case of the Isabella Thompson. | 496 | |
Do | Jan. 21 | Case of the Victor | 497 | |
Do | Jan. 21 | Case of the Blanche | 497 | |
Do | Jan. 22 | The detention of live stock by United States customs authorities at Niagara. | 500 | |
Do | Jan. 23 | Case of the Victor | 501 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 23 | Military commission to investigate cases of persons arrested. | 503 | |
Do | Jan. 23 | Treatment of British subjects captured on vessels violating the blockade. | 504 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Jan. 23 | Supposed gathering of insurgents at Windsor, Canada. | 505 | |
Do | Jan. 25 | Treatment of British subjects captured on vessels violating the blockade, or participating in hostile enterprises of the insurgents. | 505 | |
Do | Jan. 26 | Case of James McHugh | 507 | |
Do | Jan. 26 | Cases of the Volante and Dashing Wave | 508 | |
Do | Jan. 28 | Case of the Will-o’-the-Wisp | 508 | |
Do | Jan. 29 | Case of the Banshee | 509 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Jan. 30 | The application for the extradition of John C. Braine and others. | 511 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 1 | Case of the Etta | 511 | |
Memorandum. | Feb. 2 | Case of the Chesapeake | 511 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 2 | Supplies of food and ammunition furnished in the British territories to Indians hostile to the United States. | 512 | |
Do | Feb. 2 | Military commission to investigate cases of persons arrested. | 512 | |
Do | Feb. 2 | Case of the Victor | 512 | |
Memorandum | Feb. 8 | Case of the Banshee | 514 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 9 | Case of the Saxon | 514 | |
Do | Feb. 9 | The supplies furnished to the Sioux Indians | 515 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 10 | Case of the Saxon | 515 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 11 | The military commission at New York | 515 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 12 | Case of the Don Jose | 516 | |
Do | Feb. 12 | The military commission at New York | 519 | |
Do | Feb. 13 | Case of the Banshee | 519 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 15 | Restrictions on trade with British colonial possessions. | 520 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 17 | The same subject | 521 | |
Do | Feb. 17 | Case of the Etta | 522 | |
Do | Feb. 19 | Case of the Saxon | 523 | |
1864. | ||||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 19 | Restrictions on trade with British colonial possessions. | 524 | |
Do | Feb. 19 | Case of the Banshee | 528 | |
Do | Feb. 19 | Case of the Etta | 529 | |
Do | Feb. 20 | Case of the Banshee | 529 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 20 | Case of the Banshee | 530 | |
Do | Feb. 20 | Restrictions on trade with British colonial possessions. | 530 | |
Do. | Feb. 22 | Same subject | 531 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 22 | Same subject | 531 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 23 | Same subject | 532 | |
Do | Feb. 25 | Case of the Banshee | 532 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 25 | Case of James McHugh | 533 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Feb. 26 | Same subject | 535 | |
Do | Feb. 29 | Case of the Etta | 535 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Feb. 29 | Case of the Chesapeake | 535 | |
Do | Mar. 1 | Case of the Sir William Peel. | 536 | |
Do | Mar. 2 | Case of the Labuan. | 538 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 2 | Case of the Chesapeake | 538 | |
Do | Mar. 3 | Case of the Labuan. | 539 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 4 | Case of the Sir William Peel | 539 | |
Do | Mar. 5 | Case of the Sylvanus | 542 | |
Do | Mar. 5 | Case of the Antonica. | 544 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 5 | Case of the Sir William Peel | 547 | |
Do | Mar. 8 | Case of the Sylvanus | 547 | |
Do | Mar. 9 | Maritime captures and jurisdiction | 547 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 9 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 548 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 11 | Piratical designs of insurgents who have sought refuge in Canada. | 549 | |
Do | Mar. 11 | Treatment of prisoners at Fort Lafayette | 550 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 13 | Suspicious vessels in Canadian waters | 558 | |
Do | Mar. 13 | Restrictions upon exportations of live stock | 558 | |
Do | Mar. 15 | Restrictions upon exportations of live, stock and anthracite coal. | 559 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 16 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 560 | |
Do | Mar. 16 | Piratical designs of the insurgents. | 560 | |
Do | Mar. 17 | Restrictions upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 560 | |
Do | Mar. 18 | Restrictions upon exportations of live stock and anthracite coal. | 561 | |
Do | Mar. 19 | Cases of the Sallie and Sylvanus | 562 | |
Do | Mar. 21 | Case of the Chesapeake | 562 | |
Do | Mar. 21 | Case of the’ Sir William Peel | 563 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 21 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 563 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 22 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 563 | |
Do | Mar. 22 | Alleged abduction of Ira Lee and George Cooper, from the United States territory by a Canadian constable. | 564 | |
1864. | ||||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Mar. 23 | Same Subject | 566 | |
Do | Mar. 24 | Case of the Don | 566 | |
Do | Mar. 24 | Suspicious vessels in Canadian waters | 568 | |
Do | Mar. 25 | Request for permission for the British consul general at Havana to proceed to Richmond. | 568 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Mar. 26 | Same Subject | 568 | |
Do | Mar. 29 | Suspicious vessels in Canadian waters | 569 | |
Do | Mar. 30 | Case of the Don | 569 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 1 | Case of the Scylla. | 570 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | April 1 | Same Subject | 573 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 4 | Case of the James McHugh. | 573 | |
Do | April 5 | Treatment of British subjects captured on blockade runners and war transports. | 573 | |
Do | April 5 | Case of the James McHugh | 575 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | April 5 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 575 | |
Do | April 6 | Case of the Scylla | 576 | |
Do | April 6 | Case of the Don | 577 | |
Do | April 9 | Case of the James McHugh | 578 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 9 | Application of John Mulholland for permission to ship cotton from a southern port. | 578 | |
Do | April 11 | Cotton in the insurgent States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 579 | |
Do | April 13 | Restriction upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 582 | |
Do | April 14 | Suspicious vessels in Canadian waters | 584 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | .April 15 | Cotton in the insurgent States claimed to be owned by British subjects. | 586 | |
Do | April 18 | Same Subject | 586 | |
Do | April 18 | Restriction upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 587 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 18 | Case of the Nymph | 587 | |
Do | April 18 | Case of the James McHugh | 588 | |
Do | April 18 | British subjects captured on blockade runners and held as prisoners. | 589 | |
Do | April 18 | The military commission in New York. | 591 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | April 20 | Same Subject | 591 | |
Do | April 21 | Case of the Nymph | 592 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 21 | Case of the Dart. | 592 | |
Do | April 22 | Case of the J. L. Gerrity, or Eureka | 594 | |
Do | April 22 | Revenue cutter alleged to be building at Buffalo | 595 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | April 22 | Case of James McHugh | 596 | |
Do | April 25 | Case of the Dart | 596 | |
Do | April 27 | Case of James McHugh | 596 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | April 27 | Military occupation of Brownsville by United States troops. | 596 | |
Do | April 29 | British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 597 | |
Do | April 29 | Same Subject | 597 | |
Do | April 30 | Same Subject | 599 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 2 | Same Subject | 601 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 4 | Alleged violation of British maritime jurisdiction by the United States steamer Vander-bilt. | 602 | |
Do | May 5 | Case of the J. L. Gerrity, or Eureka. | 602 | |
Do | May 5 | Occupation of Brownsville by United States troops. | 602 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | May 7 | Case of Ira Lee and George Cooper. Irregular proceedings of authorities on the frontier. | 603 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 9 | Same Subject | 604 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | May 9 | Case of the Don. Treatment of British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 604 | |
Do | May 10 | British subjects at Cincinnati enrolled for militia duty. | 605 | |
Do | May 11 | Alleged seizure of consular despatches | 606 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 11 | Case of the Dart | 606 | |
Do | May 14 | Occupation of Brownsville by United States troops. | 608 | |
Do | May 14 | Case of the Don. British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 608 | |
Do | May 16 | Same Subject | 609 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | May 16 | Same Subject | 610 | |
Do | May 16 | Same Subject | 610 | |
Do | May 18 | Case of the Don Jose | 611 | |
Do | May 18 | Complaints by British subjects at Memphis of action by recruiting authorities there. | 611 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 19 | Same Subject | 612 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | May 21 | Case of the Sylvanus | 612 | |
Do | May 22 | Case of the Don. British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 613 | |
Do | May 24 | Claim for coal taken by the Vanderbilt at Angra Pequena. | 615 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 24 | Resolutions of the New York Chamber of Commerce in regard to the case of the Chesapeake. | 616 | |
Do | May 25 | Case of the Don Jose | 616 | |
Do | May 25 | Claim for coal taken by the Vanderbilt at Angra Pequena. | 616 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | May 27 | Restrictions upon trade with the British colonial possessions. | 617 | |
Do | May 28 | Same Subject | 618 | |
Do | May 29 | Same Subject | 619 | |
Do | May 30 | Treatment of British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 629 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | May 30 | Action of military authorities at Memphis in regard to foreigners. | 620 | |
Do | May 31 | Case of the Don. British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 621 | |
Do | May 31 | Hostile projects of disloyal citizens of the United States in Canada. | 622 | |
Do | June 2 | Case of the Sylvanus | 622 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 2 | Disloyal citizens of the United States in Canada. | 623 | |
Do | June 2 | Detention of British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 623 | |
1864 | ||||
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 4 | Restrictions upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 626 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 4 | Claim of George Pruin. | 626 | |
Do | June 5 | Case of James McHugh | 628 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 6 | British subjects captured on blockade runners. | 629 | |
Do | June 8 | Restrictions upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 631 | |
Do | June 10 | Case of James McHugh | 631 | |
Do | June 11 | Restrictions upon trade with British colonial possessions. | 631 | |
Do | June 13 | Case of the Sylvanus | 632 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 13 | Case of James Hardcastle. | 634 | |
Do | June 13 | Case of the Blanche | 635 | |
Do | June 15 | Movements of disloyal citizens of the United States in Canada. | 637 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 16 | Case of the Blanche | 637 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 18 | Case of the Myra, an American brigantine supposed to be intended for the slave trade. | 638 | |
Do | June 20 | Action of military authorities at Memphis in regard to foreigners. | 638 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 23 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie. | 639 | |
Do | June 24 | Movements of disloyal citizens of the United States in Canada. | 639 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 24 | Claims for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 640 | |
Do | June 24 | Case of James McHugh | 641 | |
Do | June 27 | The prohibition of the exportation of anthracite coal from the United States. | 642 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 27 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena for the Vanderbilt. | 642 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | June 29 | Oath alleged to have been exacted from British subjects in the department of the Gulf. | 642 | |
Do | June 30 | Action of military authorities in Memphis in regard to foreigners | 645 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | June 30 | Case of the Myra. | 645 | |
Do | July 1 | Case of James McHugh | 645 | |
Do | July 5 | Pardoned criminals alleged to have been sent to the United States by the colonial authorities of Newfoundland. | 646 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | July 6 | Military regulations in New Orleans in respect to gold. | 646 | |
Do | July 8 | Pardoned criminals alleged to have been sent to the United States by the colonial authorities of Newfoundland. | 647 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | July 8 | Case of the Labuan | 648 | |
Do | July 8 | Prohibition of the exportation of anthracite coal from the United States. | 648 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | July 11 | Case of the Pearl | 648 | |
Do | July 11 | 649 | ||
Do | July 11 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 649 | |
Do | July 12 | Case of the Chesapeake | 650 | |
Mr. Seward to Lore Lyons. | July 13 | Case of James Hardcastle. | 650 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | July 13 | The blockade of Brownsville | 655 | |
Do | July 15 | Military regulations in New Orleans respecting gold. | 655 | |
Do | July 18 | Military organizat’n of insurgent fugitives from the United States in the British provinces. | 656 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | July 19 | Same subject | 656 | |
Do | July 19 | Measures adopted by the military authorities at Memphis in regard to foreigners. | 657 | |
Do | July 20 | Reported gathering of insurgent enemies of the United States in New Brunswick. Arrests of persons breaking into Calais Bank. | 657 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | July 20 | Case of the Sylvanus | 658 | |
Do | July 20 | Measures adopted by the military authorities at Memphis in regard to foreigners. | 659 | |
Do | July 20 | Reported gathering of insurgent enemies of the United States in New Brunswick. | 660 | |
Do | July 21 | Detention of persons captured on vessels violating the blockade. | 660 | |
Do | July 21 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 661 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | July 21 | Case of the Scylla | 662 | |
Do | July 30 | Case of Darrell & Nash | 662 | |
Do | July 30 | Case of Macdonald Brothers & Co. | 664 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | July 30 | Modification of the prohibition of the exportation of anthracite coal from the United States. | 666 | |
Do | Aug. 3 | Oath required from foreigners in New Orleans - | 666 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 4 | Restrictions upon trade between New York and British colonies. | 667 | |
Do | Aug. 4 | Motion in Congress to put an end to the arrangement limiting naval force on the lakes. | 668 | |
Do | Aug. 5 | Case of the Labuan | 668 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 5 | Case of the Pearl | 668 | |
Do. | Aug. 5 | Applications for discharge of alleged subjects of foreign powers. | 669 | |
Do | Aug. 5 | Refusal of a clearance to Darrell & Nash for merchandise to Nassau, | 669 | |
Do | Aug. 6 | Case of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 669 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 6 | Application for permission to the British consulate, New York, to visit British subjects in Fort Lafayette. | 670 | |
Do | Aug. 8 | Oath required from foreigners in New Orleans. | 671 | |
Do | Aug. 8 | Applications for discharge of alleged subjects of foreign powers. | 672 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 8 | Regulations in regard to foreigners adopted 1 by the military authorities at Memphis, Application of Macdonald Brothers & Co. for passes to save cotton belonging to them. | 672 | |
Do | Aug. 8 | Restrictions on trade between New York and British colonies. | 672 | |
Do | Aug. 8 | Case of the Scylla | 673 | |
Do | Aug. 9 | Reported hostile projects of disloyal citizens of the United States in Canada. | 674 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 9 | Same subject | 676 | |
Do | Aug. 11 | Reported hostile projects of disloyal citizens of the United States in New Brunswick. | 676 | |
Do | Aug. 11 | Application of Macdonald Brothers & Co. for passes to the department of West Tennessee to save cotton belonging to them. | 678 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 11 | Capture at Brockhaven, Mississippi, of an insurgent mail containing despatches for Lord Lyons. | 679 | |
Do | Aug. 12 | Application of Macdonald Brothers & Co. for passes to the department of West Tennessee to save cotton belonging to them. | 681 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 3 | Modification of the prohibition of the exportation of anthracite coal from the United States. Proclamation prohibiting exportation of anthracite coal from Canada. | 682 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 15 | Case of the Labuan | 683 | |
Do | Aug. 15 | Application of Macdonald Brothers & Co | 684 | |
Do | Aug. 15 | Refusal of a clearance to Darrell & Nash for merchandise to Nassau. | 684 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 17 | Case of John Arthur Verner. | 686 | |
Do | Aug. 17 | Complaints of illegal enlistments of British subjects. | 686 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 18 | The prohibition of the exportation of anthracite coal from Canada. | 687 | |
Do | Aug. 20 | Same subject | 687 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 22 | Applications for discharge of alleged subjects of foreign powers. | 688 | |
Do | Aug. 22 | Alleged shipment of three pardoned criminals from Newfoundland to Boston. | 690 | |
Do | Aug. 3 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 692 | |
Do | Aug. 24 | Case of John Arthur Verner | 694 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Aug. 24 | Claim for coal taken from Angra Pequena by the Vanderbilt. | 695 | |
Do | Aug. 25 | Permission to British consul at N. York to visit alleged British subjects on receiving ship. | 696 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Aug. 25 | Case of alleged deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 697 | |
Do | Aug. 29 | Case of the Sylvanus | 698 | |
Do | Aug. 31 | Case of the Racer | 699 | |
Do | Sept. 1 | Liability of British subjects to military service who have voted at school meetings. | 699 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 2 | Case of the alleged deserter from the British bark Cuzco. | 700 | |
Do | Sept. 2 | Case of John Arthur Verner | 700 | |
Do | Sept. 3 | Case of the Racer. | 701 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 4 | Permission to British consul at N. York to visit alleged British subjects on receiving ship. | 701 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 7 | The application of Macdonald Brothers & Co. for a pass. | 702 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 8 | Permission to the British consulate, New York, to visit alleged British subjects on receiving ship. | 702 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 9 | Regulations in regard to vessels-of-war entering the harbor of Halifax. | 702 | |
Do | Sept. 9 | Resolution of the New York Chamber of Commerce in regard to case of the Chesapeake. | 703 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 10 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 704 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 10 | Case of the Racer.. | 705 | |
Do | Sept. 12 | Regulations in regard to vessels-of-war entering the harbor of Halifax. | 705 | |
Do | Sept. 13 | Case of the Alexandra, now called the Mary. | 706 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 13 | Same subject | 706 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 15 | Case of the Margaret and Jessie | 706 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 16 | Case of George W. Hutcheson. | 707 | |
Do | Sept. 16 | Alleged illegal enlistments of British subjects in Canada. | 708 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 16 | Limits of maritime jurisdiction | 708 | |
Do | Sept. 16 | Permission to the British consul at New York to visit the receiving ship. | 709 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 17 | Cotton in southern States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 710 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 17 | Resolution of the New York Chamber of Commerce in regard to case of the Chesapeake. | 710 | |
Do | Sept. 19 | Permission to the British consul at New York to visit the receiving ship. | 711 | |
Do | Sept. 19 | Alleged illegal enlistments of British subjects in Canada. | 712 | |
Do | Sept. 21 | Case of th’e Sylvanus | 713 | |
Do | Sept. 23 | Enlistment of alleged deserters on the British bark Cuzco. | 713 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 23 | Notification prohibiting ships-of-war of belligerents from being dismantled or sold in British ports. | 714 | |
Do | Sept. 24 | Restrictions on trade between New York and the British colonies. | 714 | |
Do | Sept. 25 | Provisions of the new prize act passed by Congress. | 715 | |
Mr. F. W. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Sept. 26 | Increase of the observing force of the United States on the lakes. | 715 | |
Do | Sept. 27 | The prohibition of dismantling or sale of ships-of-war in British ports. | 716 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Sept. 28 | Increase of the observing force of the United States on the lakes. | 716 | |
Do | Sept. 28 | Case of the Racer | 717 | |
Do | Oct. 1 | Alleged violation of port regulations at Halifax by American cruisers. | 717 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 1 | Temporary increase of the observing force of the United States on the lakes. | 717 | |
Do | Oct. 3 | Provisions of the new prize act passed by Congress. | 719 | |
Do | Oct. 3 | A blockade-running steamer alleged to be commanded by a British naval officer. | 719 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 3 | Case of the Racer | 719 | |
Do | Oct. 4 | Increase of the naval force of the United States on the lakes. | 729 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 4 | Alleged violation of port regulations at Halifax by American cruisers. | 729 | |
Do | Oct. 5 | Case of. Darrell & Nash. | 730 | |
Do | Oct. 5 | Case of the Racer | 730 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 5 | Cotton in the southern States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 731 | |
Do | Oct. 5 | Case of James Hardcastle. | 732 | |
Do | Oct. 6 | Cases of the Science, Sir William Peel, Dashing Wave, and Volante. | 733 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 6 | Preparations at Nassau for piratical enterprises. | 734 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 7 | Case of Darrell & Nash. | 735 | |
Do | Oct. 9 | Case of the Mary. | 737 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 10 | Alleged violation of port regulations at Halifax by American cruisers. | 738 | |
1864. | ||||
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 10 | Same subject | 739 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 10 | Increase of the observing force of the United States on the lakes. | 739 | |
Do | Oct. 11 | Application for the extradition of William H. Crawford, charged with assault with intent to commit murder. | 740 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 12 | Same subject | 740 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 13 | Application for the extradition of several persons charged with robbery and an assault with intent to commit murder. | 740 | |
Do | Oct. 13 | Cotton in insurrectionary States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 741 | |
Do | Oct. 13 | Case of Darrell & Nash | 741 | |
Do | Oct. 14 | Case of the Racer | 741 | |
Do | Oct. 16 | Cotton in insurrectionary States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 744 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 15 | Case of Thomas and Charles Jones, captured on the Lilian. | 744 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 18 | Cases of the Science, Sir William Peel, Dashing Wave, and Volante. | 744 | |
Do | Oct. 20 | Case of the Mary | 745 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 20 | Case of the Night Hawk | 745 | |
Do | Oct. 20 | Case of Thomas and Charles Jones | 750 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 21 | Arrests of the parties concerned in the robberies and murder at St. Albans, Vermont. | ||
Do | Oct. 22 | Case of Thomas and Charles Jones | 751 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 23 | Robberies and murder at St. Albans | 751 | |
Do | Oct. 23 | Same subject | 752 | |
Mr. Seward to Mr. Burnley. | Oct. 25 | Case of the Night Hawk | 752 | |
Do | Oct. 25 | Cases of the Science, Sir William Peel, Dashing Wave, and Volante. | 752 | |
Do | Oct. 25 | Application for the extradition of the persons engaged in the robberies and murder at St. Albans. | 752 | |
Do | Oct. 26 | Cotton in the insurrectionary States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 753 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 27 | Application for the extradition of several persons charged with robbery and an assault with intent to commit murder. | 753 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Oct. 29 | Order telegraphed by Major General Dix on the occasion of the outrage at St. Albans. | 754 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Oct. 29 | Application for extradition of persons concerned in the outrage at St. Albans. | 756 | |
Do | Nov. 1 | Case of the Night Hawk | 756 | |
Do | Nov. 1 | Further application for extradition of persons concerned in the outrage at St. Albans. | 757 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 2 | Case of the Night Hawk. | 757 | |
Do | Nov. 2 | Proceedings of the Canadian authorities in reference to the perpetrators of the outrage at St Albans. | 759 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 3 | The out rage, at St. Albans. | 760 | |
Mr. Hunter to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 4 | Case of Darrell & Nash | 761 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 4 | The outrage at St. Albans | 762 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 5 | Same subject | 763 | |
1864. | ||||
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 8 | Cotton in southern States alleged to belong to British subjects. | 763 | |
Do | Nov. 8 | Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at Campo Bello. | 767 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 11 | Sale of the Georgiana to parties suspected of being insurgent enemies of the United States. | 771 | |
Do | Nov. 11 | Movements of the Georgiana | 773 | |
Do | Nov. 12 | Case of the Night Hawk | 773 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 12 | The outrage at St. Albans | 773 | |
Do | Nov. 12 | The sale of the Georgiana | 774 | |
Do | Nov. 12 | The outrage at St. Albans | 774 | |
Do | Nov. 13 | Case of the Georgiana | 775 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 14 | Alleged violation of British jurisdiction at Campo Bello. | 775 | |
Do | Nov. 14 | The outrage at St. Albans | 776 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 15 | Case of the Georgiana | 776 | |
Do | Nov. 15 | Blockade runner alleged to be commanded by a British naval officer. | 777 | |
Do | Nov. 16 | Alleged illegal enlistments of British subjects in Canada. | 777 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 16 | Case of the Georgiana | 778 | |
Do | Nov. 16 | The outrage at St. Albans | 778 | |
Do | Nov. 16 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 779 | |
Do | Nov. 16 | Cotton in the southern States alleged to be owned by British subjects. | 780 | |
Do | Nov. 18 | Alleged proceedings of a British naval officer in command of blockade runner. | 781 | |
Lord Lyons to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 18 | Alleged illegal enlistment of deserters from the British bark Cuzco. | 782 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 19 | The outrage at St. Albans | 782 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 19 | Case of the Georgiana | 784 | |
Do | Nov. 21 | Cases of the Science, Sir William Peel, Dashing Wave, and Volante. | 784 | |
Do | Nov. 21 | The outrage at St. Albans | 785 | |
Do | Nov. 22 | Hostile schemes Of insurgent agents in Canada. | 803 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 22 | The outrage at St. Albans | 804 | |
Do | Nov. 23 | Hostile schemes of insurgent agents in Canada. | 804 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 23 | Alleged enlistment of deserters from a British vessel. | 805 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 26 | Case of the Night Hawk. | 805 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Nov. 26 | Case of the Scylla. | 810 | |
Do | Nov. 26 | The outrage at St. Albans | 812 | |
Do | Nov. 29 | Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. | 812 | |
Do | Nov. 29 | Application for extradition for Bennett G. Burley. | 813 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Nov. 30 | Military organization of insurgent fugitives from the United States in Canada. | 813 | |
Mr. Seward to Lord Lyons. | Dec. 1 | Case of the Night Hawk. | 814 | |
Mr. Burnley to Mr. Seward. | Dec. 2 | The outrage at St. Albans | 814 |